Clothes - Kleidung (The 2820th Most Common German Word)
The German word for Clothes is Kleidung. This word often comes up when talking about clothing. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2820th most common word in German. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
He gave us clothes, and money as well. | Er gab uns Kleidung, und darüber hinaus auch noch Geld. |
I have no clothes to go to the party. | Ich habe keine Kleidung, um zur Party zu gehen. |
She gives us clothes. | Sie gibt uns Kleidung. |
My clothes are there. | Meine Kleidung ist dort drüben. |
I like clothes. | Ich habe eine Vorliebe für Kleidung. |
These clothes suit you. | Diese Kleidung steht dir gut. |
I was talking about clothes. | Ich sprach von Kleidung. |
He buys clothes. | Er kauft Kleidung. |
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He wears expensive clothes and owns a lot of jewelry. | Er trägt teure Kleidung und besitzt viel Schmuck. |
She always wears fashionable clothes. | Sie trägt immer modische Kleidung. |
Teenagers often wear strange clothes. | Teenager tragen oft seltsame Kleidung. |
Tom ironed his clothes. | Tom bügelte seine Kleidung. |
Bring me my clothes. | Bring mir meine Kleidung. |
Tom always wears fashionable clothes. | Tom trägt immer modische Kleidung. |
Tom is folding his clothes. | Tom faltet gerade seine Kleidung zusammen. |
Tom brushed the sand from his clothes. | Tom strich sich den Sand von der Kleidung. |
He ruined his clothes. | Er ruinierte seine Kleidung. |
Mary is folding her clothes. | Maria faltet gerade ihre Kleidung zusammen. |
He ironed his clothes. | Er bügelte seine Kleidung. |
She ironed her clothes. | Sie bügelte ihre Kleidung. |
It took me several hours to fold all the clothes. | Ich brauchte mehrere Stunden, um die Kleidung zusammenzulegen. |
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