Be called - Heißen (The 126th Most Common German Word)

The German translation for Be called is Heißen. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 126th most common word in German. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common German words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: be called

de German: heißen


en de
The links you see in the tree are called pages. Die Links im Seitenbaum heißen Seiten.
These squares are called pixels—short for picture elements. Diese Quadrate heißen Pixel, das ist ein Kurzwort für „picture elements“, z. dt. „Bildelemente“.
Normal treatment is called normal treatment because sometimes you have to use abnormal treatment. Übliche Behandlungsmethoden heißen übliche Behandlungsmethoden, weil man manchmal unübliche Behandlungsmethoden benutzen muss.
Such exaggerated stories are called "seaman's yarn". Solche übertriebenen Erzählungen heißen "Seemannsgarn".
The 'catalyst' would have to be called a catalytic converter. Der 'Katalysator' müsste katalytischer Konverter heißen.
Our modern fairy tales are called Urban Legends. Unsere modernen Märchen heißen Urban Legends.
Elite warriors among assassins are called Great Masters. Die Elitekrieger der Assassinen heißen Grandmeister.
Officially, they are called Surface Pro Signature Type Cover. Offiziell heißen sie Surface Pro Signature Type Cover.

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Be called - Heißen (The 126th Most Common German Word)
A system of such concepts would be called transcendental philosophy. Ein System solcher Begriffe würde Transzendental-Philosophie heißen.
For example, edible fats from vegetable oils should not be called butter. Speisefette aus pflanzlichen Ölen dürfen zum Beispiel nicht Butter heißen.
Such aids are called "Asylbewerberleistungen" or asylum seeker's benefits. Diese Hilfen heißen "Asylbewerberleistungen".
They are called: Moderato, Adagio, Presto. Sie heißen Moderato, Adagio, Presto.
The rainy seasons are called guh and hegai. Die Regenzeiten heißen guh und hegai.
Items subordinate to a branch are called Twig. Dem Ast untergeordnete Gliederungspunkte heißen Zweig.
From 154 on, that restaurant will be called Coit Café (see there). Ab 154 wird dieses Restaurant Coit Café heißen.
That is why such systems are also called "knowledge-based". Deshalb heißen solche Systeme auch „wissensbasiert".
I am glad to hear that you know how she is called. Ich freue mich zu hören, dass Sie wissen, wie sie heißt.
I don't know what that animal is called. Ich weiß nicht, wie das Tier heißt.
I can't remember what this is called. Mir fällt nicht ein, wie das hier heißt.
This metal is called zinc. Dieses Metall heißt Zink.
What's this street called Wie heißt diese Straße

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Be called - Heißen (The 126th Most Common German Word)

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