At that time - Damalig (The 2045th Most Common German Word)

In German, the word for At that time is Damalig. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2045th most common word in German. It can be used as adjective. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: at that time

de German: damalig


en de
This was equal to about one tenth of London's inhabitants at that time. Das entsprach ungefähr einem Zehntel der damaligen Londoner Einwohnerschaft.
As a student at ETH, still a polytechnic school at that time, Einstein complained about the lack of then modern theoretical physics in the curriculum around 1900. Einstein, Student an der ETH von 1896 bis 1900, beklagte sich offenbar wiederholt über den Mangel an damalig moderner theoretischer Physik im Ausbildungsangebot der Schule, zu dieser Zeit noch ein Polytechnikum.
With the worldwide patented Shopping Box, a completely new form of service was realised at that time: Shopping around the clock, in spite of the then valid shop closing law. Mit der weltweit patentierten Shopping Box wurde seinerzeit eine ganz neue Form der Dienstleistung realisiert: Einkaufen rund um die Uhr, trotz des damalig gültigen Landenschlussgesetzes.
The first proof of this correct consideration was the move with the product at that time still referred to as ESP 90 at a large Leverkusen chemical company. Wir setzten es um. Der erste Beweis dieser richtigen Überlegung war der Einzug mit dem damalig noch ESP90 genannten Produkt bei einem großen Leverkusener Chemiekonzern.
My system at that time was the Minolta Maxxum 8000i with two zoom-lenses. Das damalige System war eine Minolta Dynax 8000i mit zwei Zoom-Objektiven.
A very interesting solution for at that time. Eine sehr interessante lösung für die daMalige zeit.
However, the thermal insulation was extremely bad, corresponding to the building method at that time. Jedoch die Wärmedämmung war überaus schlecht und entsprach der damaligen Bauweise.
I was only a seven-year-old girl at that time. Damals war ich nur ein siebenjähriges Mädchen.

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At that time - Damalig (The 2045th Most Common German Word)
A good idea occurred to me at that time. Da kam mir eine gute Idee.
The woman you were talking to at that time was my sister. Die Frau, mit der Sie damals gesprochen haben, war meine Schwester.
I didn't like beer at that time. Damals mochte ich kein Bier.
At that time, we were quite rich. Damals waren wir ziemlich reich.
We continued chatting. Wir unterhielten uns weiter.
I was a student at that time. Zu dieser Zeit war ich Student.
With many students chatting, it was difficult to hear what the professor had to say. Da sich viele Studenten unterhielten, war es schwierig zu verstehen, was der Professor zu sagen hatte.
I could not image how cruel he was at that time. Ich konnte mir nicht vorstellen, wie grausam er damals war.
If he had worked hard at that time, he would have succeeded. Wenn er damals hart gearbeitet hätte, wäre es ihm gelungen.
He was here at that time. Er war damals hier.
She's still chatting away. Sie quasselt immer noch.
We were eighteen at that time. Wir waren damals achtzehn.
Tom is chatting with Mary. Tom schwatzt mit Maria.

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At that time - Damalig (The 2045th Most Common German Word)

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