Almost - Fast (The 202nd Most Common German Word)
The German word for Almost is Fast. It can be used as adverb. It is the 202nd most commonly used word in German, classified as a A1 word. This word often comes up when talking about measures. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
It's almost six o'clock. | Es ist fast sechs Uhr. |
I'm almost sure. | Ich bin mir fast sicher. |
The trouble is, she's almost lost her voice. | Das Problem ist, dass sie fast ihre Stimme verloren hat. |
I was at home almost all day yesterday. | Ich war gestern fast den ganzen Tag zu Hause. |
After almost a month I still remember the word. | Nach fast einem Monat erinnere ich mich noch an das Wort. |
I have been waiting for almost half an hour. | Ich warte seit fast einer halben Stunde. |
I'm almost done. Just give me a minute. | Ich bin fast fertig. Gib mir nur noch eine Minute |
We're almost done. | Wir sind fast fertig. |
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The crime was almost perfect. | Das Verbrechen war fast perfekt. |
It's almost over. | Es ist fast vorbei. |
She is almost as tall as you are. | Sie ist fast so groß wie Sie. |
The box was almost full. | Die Kiste war fast voll. |
I watch movies almost every day. | Ich schaue fast jeden Tag Filme. |
Almost everything is as it was in the old days. | Es ist fast alles wie früher. |
I'm almost finished writing the report. | Ich bin fast fertig mit dem Bericht. |
I go to the beach almost every day. | Ich gehe fast jeden Tag zum Strand. |
I'm at home almost every night. | Ich bin fast jede Nacht zu Hause. |
He called me up almost every day. | Er rief mich fast täglich an. |
I clean my room almost every day. | Ich putze mein Zimmer fast täglich. |
He is almost professional. | Er ist fast professionell. |
I almost forgot it. | Ich hätte es fast vergessen. |
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