Watch - Surveiller (The 1297th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Watch is Surveiller. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, sickness & injuries, clothing. It is the 1297th most commonly used word in French, classified as a A2 word. It can be used as verb. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
There are a number of other artists to watch for on Sunday. | Plusieurs autres artistes seront aussi à surveiller dimanche. |
I have to watch Graham, grade papers, and make dinner... | Je dois surveiller Graham, corriger les copies et préparer le dîner... |
But you should watch your weight. | Mais vous devriez surveiller votre poids. |
Too much may give you the gibes, especially if you have to watch your weight. | Trop peut vous donner les quolibets, surtout si vous devez surveiller votre poids. |
Therefore, there is only one way out: to constantly see a doctor, to take urine tests on time, to watch your weight and pressure. | Par conséquent, il n'y a qu'une seule issue: consulter constamment un médecin, faire des analyses d'urine à temps, surveiller son poids et sa pression. |
Tools such as the BMI (Body Mass Index) and the Canada Food Guide are available to help you watch your weight, find your healthy body weight, and discover which foods your body needs for a balanced diet. | Plusieurs outils comme l'IMC (Indice de masse corporelle) ou le Guide alimentaire canadien sont disponibles pour surveiller son poids, retrouver son poids santé et déterminer la quantité d'aliments dont le corps a besoin pour un régime équilibré. |
But while it's good to watch your weight, it's not the only aspect of your body that benefits from a nutritious diet - your vision is also impacted by the foods you're consuming. | Mais malgré qu'il soit bien de surveiller votre poids, ce n'est pas le seul aspect de votre corps qui profite d'un régime nutritif. Votre vision est également influencée par les aliments que vous consommez. |
He told her, "The older you get, the more important it is to keep active and out in the fresh air, and to watch your weight." | Il lui a dit: "Plus vous devenez âgé, plus il est important de se maintenir actif à l'extérieur à l'air frais, et de surveiller son poids."Ce n'était pas des mots lancés en l'air. |
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Watch your weight and do some exercise. | Surveiller votre poids et faire de l'exercice. |
I recommend watching your diet diet during the destructor for an excellent result. | Je conseil de surveiller son alimentation pendant le regime destructor pour un excellent résultat. |
That bitch better watch her hands. | Cette salope a intérêt a surveiller ses mains. |
I'll be watching you like a hawk. | Je vais te surveiller comme un faucon. |
Therefore you and the other Bahá'ís should watch the situation very closely. | Les bahé'is et vous-même devriez surveiller la situation très étroitement. |
Drones and satellites are used to watch everything that moves. | Drones et satellites sont utilisés pour surveiller tout ce qui bouge. |
See, I was supposed to watch these poachers here while... | Je devais surveiller ces braconniers pendant... |
This company, and its activities, is definitely one to watch. | Cette entreprise et ses activités sont assurément à surveiller. |
Looking ahead, a number of special initiatives are worth watching. | Différentes initiatives spéciales sont à surveiller. |
We are going to be watching the situation very closely. | Nous allons surveiller la situation de très près. |
Their spending can be watched by the Canadian people. | Les Canadiens pourront donc surveiller leurs dépenses. |
I know Eleanor engaged you those months ago to watch me. | Eleanor vous avait engagée pour me surveiller. |
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