Wall - Mur (The 1335th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Wall in French is Mur. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1335th most commonly used word in French. This word often comes up when talking about house. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
The wall is white on the inside and green on the outside. | Le mur est blanc à l'intérieur et vert à l'extérieur. |
His bed is next to the wall. | Son lit est contre le mur. |
This wall is taller than that one. | Ce mur est plus grand que celui-là. |
He pressed his ear against the wall. | Il pressa son oreille contre le mur. |
There's a large hole in the wall. | Il y a un gros trou dans le mur. |
Thank you for building this wall. | Merci d'avoir construit ce mur. |
There is a painting on the wall. | Il y a un tableau au mur. |
His shadow on the wall looked sad. | Son ombre sur le mur paraît triste. |
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You may be able to read the handwriting on the wall, but it is Greek to me. | Tu peux peut-être lire ce qu'il y a écrit sur le mur, mais pour moi, c'est de l'hébreu. |
You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall. | Tu n'écoutes jamais, c'est comme si je parlais à un mur. |
He won't listen. I might as well talk to a brick wall. | Il n'écoutera pas. Je pourrais aussi bien parler à un mur de briques. |
Look at the map on the wall carefully. | Regardez attentivement la carte qui est sur le mur. |
Put the ladder against the wall. | Pose l'échelle contre le mur. |
Look at the picture on the wall. | Regardez l'image sur le mur. |
The posters were immediately removed from the wall. | Les affiches ont été immédiatement retirées du mur. |
Don't lean against the wall. | Ne vous appuyez pas contre le mur. |
This wall feels cold. | Ce mur est froid. |
This wall feels very cold. | Ce mur est très froid. |
Don't lean against this wall. | Ne t'adosse pas à ce mur. |
Ken jumped over the wall. | Ken a sauté par-dessus le mur. |
He stood against the wall. | Il se tenait contre le mur. |
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