Village - Village (The 1295th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Village is Village. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1295th most common word in French. This word often comes up when talking about environment & living. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
The village in which he was born is far from here. | Le village dans lequel il est né est loin d'ici. |
In a town you may pass unnoticed, whereas in a village it's impossible. | Dans une ville on peut passer inaperçu, alors que dans un village c'est impossible. |
The volcanic eruption threatened the village. | L'éruption volcanique menaça le village. |
I reached the village before dark. | Je suis arrivé au village avant qu'il ne fasse nuit. |
The bus stopped in every village. | Le bus s'est arrêté dans chaque village. |
The population of this village had decreased. | La population de ce village avait diminué. |
This village is free from air pollution. | Ce village n'est pas affecté par la pollution de l'air. |
This river runs through my village. | Cette rivière coule à travers mon village. |
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The village was dead after sunset. | Le village était désert après le coucher du soleil. |
Everybody in the village knew him. | Au village, tout le monde le connaissait. |
He had to leave the village. | Il a dû quitter le village. |
She lives in the village. | Elle vit dans ce village. |
He lives in a village. | Il habite dans un village. |
The village has no electricity. | Le village est dépourvu d'électricité. |
The village needs your help. | Le village a besoin de votre aide. |
He is from our village. | Il est originaire de notre village. |
Fifty families live in this tiny village. | Cinquante familles vivent dans ce petit village. |
The village was silent. | Le village était silencieux. |
This is a small village. | C'est un petit village. |
It's a village. | C'est un village. |
This is a village. | C'est un village. |
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