Victim - Victime (The 697th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Victim is Victime. This word often comes up when talking about law. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 697th most common word in French. It can be used as noun. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
It's possible that the victim is wounded in the head.
Il est possible que la victime soit blessée à la tête.
The victim had been beaten up and left for dead.
La victime avait été battue et laissée pour morte.
The victim is thought to have taken a large quantity of poison by mistake.
On suppose que la victime a absorbé par erreur une grande quantité de poison.
The victim declined to press charges.
La victime a refusé de porter plainte.
The victim was crippled by dogs.
La victime a été mutilée par des chiens.
She was the victim of domestic violence.
Elle a été victime de violence domestique.
Don't blame the victim.
N'accuse pas la victime
Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
Le blasphème est un crime sans victime.
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Was the victim male or female
La victime était-elle un homme ou une femme
I'm the victim here.
Je suis la victime ici.
I want to examine the body of the victim.
Je veux examiner le corps de la victime.
Or look at the bully who learned to apologize to her victim.
Ou bien la harceleuse qui a appris à s'excuser auprès de sa victime.
Marcellus said the victim seemed to be mad about something.
Marcellus a dit que la victime semblait être en colère à propos de quelque chose.
In his defence, the neighbour claims that he too is a victim of abuse and rude gestures on the part of the couple.
En défense, ce dernier affirme qu'il a lui aussi été victime d'injures et de doigts d'honneur de la part des époux.
Robert makes an allusion about Caroline Wilson by talking of the victim of a faulty vaccine realized by Delta pharmaceutics, subsidiary of the Capwell Firms.
Robert fait allusion à Caroline Wilson en parlant de la victime d'un vaccin défectueux réalisé par Delta pharmaceutiques, filiale des Entreprises Capwell.
You're so sympathetic, you take a call near the victim.
Tu es tellement sympa, tu prends un appel près de la victime.
Our victim gets subdued somehow, bound with duct tape and beat to death with a pool cue.
La victime se fait attacher et battre à mort avec une queue de billard.
Chef de colline reportedly led the mob that tied up and beat to death the victim.
Le chef de colline aurait mené la foule qui a ligoté et battu à mort la victime.
After a long talk about the new world order and whom he should beat to death using Lucille. He finally chose his victim at random: Glenn.
Après une longue discussion à propos du nouvel ordre mondial et à propos de quelle personne il devrait battre à mort, il choisit finalement sa victime, sans raisons apparentes: Glenn.
How can you solve a crime without understanding the victim
Comment résoudre un crime sans comprendre la victime
The victim left the country and had to undergo surgery.
La victime a quitté le pays et a dû subir une intervention chirurgicale.
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