Unfair, unjust - Injuste (The 2575th Most Common French Word)

The translation for Unfair, unjust in French is Injuste. It is the 2575th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as adjective. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: unfair, unjust

fr French: injuste


en fr
Is that unfair Est-ce injuste
Life is unfair. La vie est injuste.
It is unfair. C'est injuste.
It's extremely unfair. C'est extrêmement injuste.
Life's unfair. La vie est injuste.
That would be unfair. Ça serait injuste.
This is so unfair. C'est tellement injuste.
That's unfair. C'est injuste.

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Unfair, unjust - Injuste (The 2575th Most Common French Word)
You're unfair. Tu es injuste.
Your criticism is unfair. Votre critique est injuste.
Life is so unfair. La vie est tellement injuste.
That's completely unfair. C'est totalement injuste.
Life is unfair sometimes. La vie est parfois injuste.
This was really unfair. C'était vraiment injuste.
That was really unfair. C'était très injuste.
Life seems so unfair. La vie semble si injuste.
That's a very unfair assessment. C'est une évaluation très injuste.
It's totally unfair. C'est vraiment injuste.
Don't be unfair Ne soyez pas injuste
This is unfair. C'est injuste.
Continued delay would be unfair to the four candidates. Il serait injuste pour les quatre candidats que l'on continue à accumuler les retards.

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Unfair, unjust - Injuste (The 2575th Most Common French Word)

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