Translation - Traduction (The 2826th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Translation is Traduction. This word often comes up when talking about language. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2826th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
The quality of translation has improved. | La qualité de la traduction s'est améliorée. |
Compare your translation with his. | Compare ta traduction à la sienne. |
Compare the translation with the original. | Comparez la traduction à l'original. |
Why is machine translation useless | Pourquoi la traduction automatique est-elle inutile |
Tom works for a translation agency. | Tom travaille pour une agence de traduction. |
Is this translation correct | Cette traduction est-elle correcte |
Translation is a scholarly discipline. | La traduction est une discipline académique. |
It's hard to find a suitable translation. | Il est difficile de trouver une traduction adéquate. |
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This translation is not worth a red cent. | Cette traduction ne vaut pas un sou. |
The translation of Tokyo is "the Eastern capital". | La traduction de Tokyo est : « Capitale de l'Est. » |
I have posted a translation. | J'ai posté une traduction. |
Here's the translation. | Voici la traduction. |
The translation of the title in French is ridiculous. | La traduction du titre en français est ridicule. |
The 30th of September is an International Translation Day. | Le 30 septembre est la Journée internationale de la traduction. |
Let's compare the translation with the original. | Comparons la traduction à l'original. |
Let me compare the translation with the original. | Laissez-moi comparer la traduction avec l'original. |
Compare your translation with the one on the blackboard. | Compare ta traduction avec celle du tableau. |
The translation does not represent the views of the translator. | La traduction n'exprime pas l'opinion du traducteur. |
Translation costs associated with dissemination of findings. | Les frais de traduction associés à la diffusion des résultats de la recherche. |
The syntax and relevance of translation have been optimized. | La syntaxe et la pertinence de la traduction ont été optimisées. |
This furthered her interest in the theoretical aspects of translation. | Cela a renforcé son intérêt pour les aspects théoriques de la traduction. |
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