Teenager, adolescent - Adolescent (The 2085th Most Common French Word)

In French, the word for Teenager, adolescent is Adolescent. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2085th most commonly used word in French. This word often comes up when talking about people. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: teenager, adolescent

fr French: adolescent


en fr
I'm just a teenager. Je ne suis qu'un adolescent.
Some retarded teenager is assailing the statistics again. Un adolescent attardé attaque de nouveau les statistiques.
Tom is a teenager. Tom est un adolescent.
When I was a teenager living in oregon I had a scary experience that I will never forget about. Quand j'étais un adolescent habitant en orégon j'ai eu une expérience effrayante que je n'oublierai jamais.
True amateur tokyo teenager from japan Amateur/ Ex-girlfriend Vrai amateur tokyo adolescent de japan Amateur / Ex petite-amie
Google behaves like an adolescent rebelling against the establishment. Google se comporte comme un adolescent qui se rebelle contre les institutions.
An adult who will remain a teenager for a long time. Un adulte qui restera longtemps adolescent.
He was a young teenager at the time. Il était adolescent à l'époque.

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Teenager, adolescent - Adolescent (The 2085th Most Common French Word)
Listen to your teenager and support him or her during difficult times. Écoutez votre adolescent et soutenez-le dans les moments difficiles.
They did not wish to be held up to ridicule by a teenager. Ils ne souhaitent pas être ridiculisés par un adolescent.
Maybe he doesn't with you but that means he's just a teenager trying to define himself. Mais ça reste juste un adolescent qui se cherche.
Playing Connors at night there when I was a teenager. Jouer Connors en nuit quand j'étais adolescent.
A teenager gets together with his girlfriend for the weekend. Un adolescent retrouve sa copine pour le week-end.
In Brazil, Francisco was a teenager with an attitude. Au Brésil, Francisco était un adolescent rebelle.
Consider a teenager learning how to drive a car. Pensez à un adolescent apprenant à conduire.
As a teenager, Brunswick had actually been a guest at their wedding years earlier in 1917. Encore adolescent, Brunswick avait effectivement été invité à leur mariage en 1917.
I read when I was a teenager. Je l'ai lu lorsque j'étais adolescent.
Have you ever tried to understand a teenager Avez-vous déjà essayé de comprendre un adolescent
The magazine is aimed at teenagers. Le magazine s'adresse aux adolescents.
That magazine is aimed at teenagers. Ce magazine est à destination des adolescents.
Shopping malls are popular among teenagers. Les galeries commerciales sont en vogue parmi les adolescents.

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Teenager, adolescent - Adolescent (The 2085th Most Common French Word)

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