Take hold of, grab, grasp, seize, know, understand - Saisir (The 719th Most Common French Word)
The French word for Take hold of, grab, grasp, seize, know, understand is Saisir. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 719th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes, activities & movements, society, family & relationships, occupation, communication, emotions. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
take hold of, grab, grasp, seize, know, understand
They wanted to seize the opportunity to act on it. | Ils voulaient saisir l'occasion d'agir immédiatement. |
I must seize this opportunity. | Je dois saisir cette opportunité. |
capture; catch; seize arrest; capture; polish off; put away; take in custody; take prisoner | faire prisonnier; attraper; arrêter; mettre sous les verrous; capturer; saisir |
Under positive international law, it would be permissible not only to take prisoner any enemy combatant found on board a neutral vessel, but also to seize and confiscate that vessel for having acted in an "un-neutral" manner. | Le droit des gens positif permettrait non seulement de s'emparer des individus, combattants ennemis, trouvés à bord d'un bâtiment neutre, mais de saisir et de confisquer le navire comme ayant rendu un service « inneutral ». |
arrest; capture; catch; corner; fasten; lock up; put behind bars; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take in custody; take prisoner; take unaware; tattle; up; stay | usurper acquérir; capturer; faire l'apprentissage de; gagner; obtenir; prendre; prendre possession de quelque chose; recevoir; remporter; réaliser; s'approprier; s'emparer de; saisir; se rendre maître de; se saisir de; usurper |
I urge both parties to seize this present opportunity to come to a compromise. | J'encourage vivement les deux parties à saisir l'occasion qui leur est donnée de parvenir à un compromis. |
Government officials descended on McMechan's farm to seize his farm truck which he would not allow. | Ils ont fait une descente à la ferme McMechan pour saisir son camion de ferme, ce qu'il ne voulait pas laisser faire. |
If you have trouble grasping the tip, use the tip removal tool included with your pen tip kit. | Si vous ne parvenez pas à saisir la pointe, utilisez l'outil de retrait de pointe fourni avec le kit de pointes de stylet. |
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A must for understanding the genesis of Charlevoix. | Une expérience incontournable pour mieux saisir la genèse de Charlevoix. |
Just grab your sharpie and start drawing. | Il suffit de saisir votre sharpie et commencer à dessiner. |
I figured I should just grab everything. | J'ai pensé que je devrais juste tout saisir. |
Once again Africa must seize its own destiny. | Une fois de plus, l'Afrique doit saisir son propre destin. |
Help them to grasp the hand of the Savior. | Montrez-lui comment saisir la main du Sauveur. |
The minister appears to have a keen grasp of the obvious. | La ministre semble bien saisir l'évidence. |
In 1570, the Elector finally managed to seize the monasteries properties. | En 1570, l'électeur a réussi à saisir les propriétés des monastères. |
The succession of these protests is to be understood as a sequence. | La succession de ces mouvements est à saisir comme enchaînement. |
But, I want to seize this opportunity. | Mais je veux saisir cette chance. |
They are the only two who seem to grasp the principles of acting. | Eux seuls semblent saisir les principes du jeu. |
I don't think you have the grasp of the situation. | Vous ne semblez pas saisir la situation. |
The African government wants to seize the funds. | Le gouvernement veut saisir les fonds. |
It is important to seize this opportunity as far as possible. | Il faut saisir cette chance au maximum. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Being & Changes
Activities & Movements
Family & Relationships