Suicide - Suicide (The 2222nd Most Common French Word)

In French, the word for Suicide is Suicide. It is the 2222nd most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about sickness & injuries. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: suicide

fr French: suicide


en fr
It would be political suicide to change it. La modifier serait un suicide politique.
It's suicide. C’est un suicide.
Suicide is dangerous. Le suicide est dangereux.
This is suicide. We shouldn't be attempting to do this. C'est un suicide. Nous ne devrions pas essayer de faire cela.
Some children resort to suicide in order to escape from unbearable pressure. Certains enfants ont recours au suicide afin d'échapper à une pression insupportable.
Despair drove him to attempt suicide. Le désespoir l'a conduit à faire une tentative de suicide.
Making itself intelligible is suicide for philosophy. Se rendre intelligible est un suicide pour la philosophie.
Smoking is suicide. Le tabagisme c'est du suicide.

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Suicide - Suicide (The 2222nd Most Common French Word)
Depression can lead to suicide. La dépression peut mener au suicide.
Marie and Tom wondered if it had been a murder or a suicide. Marie et Tom se demandèrent si c'était un meurtre ou un suicide.
He was greatly shocked by the suicide of his mentor Dazai Osamu. Il est très choqué par le suicide de son mentor Osamu Dazai.
Suicide is also a cause of death in people with anorexia. Le suicide est aussi une cause de décès chez les personnes souffrant d'anorexie.
Several studies basically show a decrease in suicides during treatment with antidepressants. Fondamentalement, plusieurs études montrent une baisse de suicide pendant le traitement avec des antidépresseurs.
We must break the silence on teen suicide. Il faut briser le silence entourant le suicide chez les adolescents.
Most teen suicide attempts are precipitated by interpersonal conflicts. La plupart des tentatives de suicide d'adolescents sont provoquées par des conflits interpersonnels.
You say tomato, I say suicide mission. Vous dites tomate, je dis mission de suicide.
The story ends tragically with Delphine committing suicide. L'histoire se termine de manière tragique par le suicide de Delphine.
Later crime analysts have disputed the suicide conclusion. Des analystes du crime ont contesté la conclusion du suicide.
British forces also helped rebuild the base following a suicide attack. Les forces britanniques ont également aidé à reconstruire la base à la suite d'un attentat suicide.
Forty percent of us attempt suicide. 40% d'entre nous font des tentatives de suicide.
Talk to a healthcare professional or a suicide prevention specialist. Consultez un professionnel de la santé ou un spécialiste en prévention du suicide.

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Suicide - Suicide (The 2222nd Most Common French Word)

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