Straight away, immediately - Aussitôt (The 2362nd Most Common French Word)

The French word for Straight away, immediately is Aussitôt. It can be used as adverb. It is the 2362nd most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. This word often comes up when talking about location & place, time & frequency. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: straight away, immediately

fr French: aussitôt


en fr
The poster was immediately removed from the wall. On enleva aussitôt l'affiche du mur.
The doctor came immediately. Le médecin est venu aussitôt.
Tom left immediately. Tom est parti aussitôt.
Marcus is immediately excited about this idea. Ce dernier s'enthousiaste aussitôt face à cette idée.
If you still cannot find your child, call the police immediately. Si l'enfant reste introuvable, appelez la police aussitôt.
The commissioner was awakened, the prosecution and press immediately informed. On réveille le commissaire, le parquet et la presse sont aussitôt informés.
These photographs were immediately acclaimed for their unique poignancy and beauty. Ces photographies furent aussitôt très appréciées pour leur caractère poignant et leur beauté.
The Commission expressed its supportive attitude immediately. La Commission a aussitôt fait part de sa détermination à apporter son aide.

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Straight away, immediately - Aussitôt (The 2362nd Most Common French Word)
Twelve states immediately signed the Convention. Douze Etats l'ont aussitôt signée, le 26 octobre 2011.
Bradbury immediately travelled to London in search of charter contracts. Bradbury est aussitôt amené à faire une tournée à Londres à la recherche de contrats d'affrètement.
Permits cannot be granted immediately upon request. Les permis ne peuvent être délivrés aussitôt que la demande en est faite.
He immediately preached the gospel and built churches. Aussitôt, il prêcha l'Évangile et construisit des églises.
11 And, behold, immediately there were three men already come unto the house where I was, sent from Caesarea unto me. Et voici, aussitôt trois hommes envoyés de Césarée vers moi se présentèrent devant la porte de la maison où j'étais.
Almost immediately, many journalists rush to interview Tach for a scoop. Aussitôt, nombre de journalistes s'empressent de recueillir auprès de Tach le témoignage qui tiendra lieu de scoop.
Démoulez-la immediately on a clean towel sprinkled with chestnut flour. Démoulez-la aussitôt sur un linge propre saupoudré de farine de châtaigne.
Almost immediately he had an opportunity to do so. Une occasion se présente presque aussitôt.
The lawbreakers were immediately turned over to the judicial authorities. Ces délinquants sont aussitôt livrés à la justice.
If he were to contact you, you must call me immediately. S'il vous contacte, appelez-moi aussitôt.
If you were, you would've been able to answer immediately. Sinon, vous auriez répondu aussitôt.
The matter will be immediately referred to the International Criminal Court. La Cour pénale internationale en sera saisie aussitôt.
I did of course send a message to this effect to the Indian authorities immediately. J'ai naturellement adressé aussitôt aux autorités indiennes ce message.

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Straight away, immediately - Aussitôt (The 2362nd Most Common French Word)

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