So much - Tellement (The 869th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for So much is Tellement. It can be used as adverb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 869th most common word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
I assume that boy who looks so much like you is your brother.
Je suppose que ce garçon qui te ressemble tellement est ton frère.
You have given me so much.
Tu m'as tellement donné.
I hate you so much.
Je te hais tellement.
My sweet darling, I miss you so much.
Ma douce chérie, tu me manques tellement.
I love Mary so much.
J'aime tellement Marie.
I would so much love to see you.
J'aimerais tellement te voir.
I did so much that I felt tired.
J'ai tellement fait que je me suis senti fatigué.
I love my family so much.
J'aime tellement ma famille.
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It hurts so much.
Ça fait tellement mal.
You have so much potential.
Vous avez tellement de potentiel.
He is cruel to his enemies, but oftentimes focuses so much on them that he becomes careless about his environment.
Il est cruel envers ses ennemis, mais souvent se concentre tellement sur eux qu'il devient peu soucieux de son environnement.
There is something so much more universal and sympathetic about a character who is able to express without the use of words, and for me, much more interesting from a filmmaking standpoint.
Il y a quelque chose de tellement plus sympathique et d'universel quand un personnage s'exprime sans mots, et de beaucoup plus intéressant je trouve du point de vue de la réalisation.
I heard it so much that I finally had to ask a question.
J'ai tellement constaté cette inquiétude que je me suis finalement senti obligé de poser une question.
You can barely catch your breath, you've been coughing so much.
Tu toussais tellement que tu pouvais à peine reprendre ton souffle.
Other people have so much to teach us.
D'autres personnes ont tellement de choses à nous apprendre.
Big boob people are so much easier.
Les gens aux gros nichons sont tellement plus faciles.
There is so much to enjoy at Thumbzilla, especially if you can access premium content.
Il y a tellement de choses à apprécier chez Thumbzilla, surtout si vous pouvez accéder à du contenu premium.
I love you so much, karl.
Je t'aime tellement, Karl.
So much weird crap happens in this apartment.
Il se passe tellement de trucs bizarres dans cet appartement.
With the resemblance, you look so much alike.
Quelle ressemblance, vous vous ressemblez tellement.
Right now, you're trying to figure out who you are and there's so much you don't know.
En ce moment tu essaies de comprendre qui tu es et tu ignores encore tellement.
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