Sing - Chanter (The 1820th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Sing is Chanter. This word often comes up when talking about culture & arts. It can be used as verb. It is the 1820th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
He likes to sing and dance. | Il aime chanter et danser. |
I want to sing. | J'ai envie de chanter. |
I can sing. | Je sais chanter. |
I wish I were a good singer. | Si seulement je pouvais bien chanter. |
He cannot sing well. | Il ne sait pas bien chanter. |
He likes singing. | Il aime chanter. |
He likes singing in the bath. | Il aime chanter dans son bain. |
Stop singing. | Arrêtez de chanter. |
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You can sing a song. | Tu peux chanter une chanson. |
It's your turn to sing. | C'est à toi de chanter. |
I feel like singing in the rain. | J'ai envie de chanter sous la pluie. |
The man stood up and began to sing. | L'homme se leva et commença à chanter. |
I sometimes hear my father singing in the bathroom. | Quelquefois j'entends mon père chanter dans la salle de bain. |
Start singing. | Commencez à chanter. |
He made me sing on the stage. | Il m'a fait chanter sur la scène. |
I've always wanted to sing on stage. | J'ai toujours voulu chanter sur scène. |
I have never heard her sing. | Je ne l'ai jamais entendu chanter. |
We started singing. | Nous nous sommes mis à chanter. |
They stopped singing. | Ils ont arrêté de chanter. |
They're a good singer. | Il sait bien chanter. |
I like singing in the rain. | J'aime chanter sous la pluie. |
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