Shade, shadow - Ombre (The 2001st Most Common French Word)

The French word for Shade, shadow is Ombre. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about house, nature & weather, materials & quality. It is the 2001st most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common French words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: shade, shadow

fr French: ombre


en fr
His shadow on the wall looked sad. Son ombre sur le mur paraît triste.
It is a shadow. C'est une ombre.
There's no light without a shadow. Il n'y a pas de lumière sans ombre.
The girl was afraid of her own shadow. La fille avait peur de son ombre.
He is afraid of his own shadow. Il a peur de son ombre.
Coming events cast their shadows before. Les événements à venir projettent leur ombre.
She is afraid of her own shadow. Elle a peur de son propre ombre.
The tree casts a long shadow. L'arbre projette un longue ombre.

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Shade, shadow - Ombre (The 2001st Most Common French Word)
I saw a shadow move behind that tree J'ai vu une ombre bouger derrière cet arbre
He's afraid of his own shadow. Il a peur de son ombre.
Did the groundhog see its shadow Est-ce que la marmotte a vu son ombre
That's a shadow. C'est une ombre.
The gardens are mi shadow mi Sun, without screw screw and absolute quiet. Les jardins sont mi ombre mi soleil, sans vis à vis et d'un calme absolu.
Dust Storm to Sea Shadow, roger. Tempête de Sable à Ombre Marine, bien reçu.
No double shadow, perfect light effect. Aucune double ombre, effet de la lumière parfait.
950674920 iStock Executive woman with superhero shadow. 950674920 iStock Exécutive femme avec une ombre de super-héros.
I compete with my own shadow. J'en ai marre, je me bats même contre mon ombre.
What you experienced was a shadow. Ce que vous avez vécu était une ombre.
Pneumopericardium and an enlarged cardiac shadow. Pneumopéricarde. Et une ombre près du cœur.
There is no light without shadow. Il n'y a pas de lumière sans ombre.
Income inequality casts a long shadow. L'inégalité de revenus laisse planer une grande ombre.

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Shade, shadow - Ombre (The 2001st Most Common French Word)

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