See again, revise - Revoir (The 1274th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for See again, revise is Revoir. This word often comes up when talking about education, communication. It is the 1274th most commonly used word in French, classified as a A2 word. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common French words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
see again, revise
In the light of what you told us, I think we should revise our plan.
À la lumière de ce que tu nous as dit, je pense que nous devrions revoir notre plan.
It was a pleasure seeing you again.
Ce fut un plaisir de vous revoir.
I've seen that movie many times, but I'd like to see it again.
J'ai vu le film plusieurs fois, mais j'aimerais le revoir.
Sawyer and Aurora understand that it is their parents and get enthusiastic at the idea of seeing them again.
Sawyer et Aurora comprennent qu'il s'agit de leurs parents et s'enthousiasment à l'idée de les revoir.
Cambodia is considering revising incentives offered to investors.
Le Cambodge envisage de revoir les incitations offertes aux investisseurs.
Our lamentable separation has trebled my pleasure at seeing you again.
Notre regrettable séparation a doublé le plaisir de vous revoir.
I like seeing us when we were happy together.
J'aime nous revoir heureux ensemble.
Seeing her won't be easy for you.
La revoir sera difficile pour vous.
Seeing my family again and then having to leave.
Revoir ma famille, puis devoir repartir.
I wouldn't mind seeing the ocean again, Mother.
J'aimerais bien revoir l'océan.
But seeing you reminds me of phil.
Mais vous revoir, me rappellera Phil.
I have not seen him ever since.
Je ne l'ai pas revu depuis.
I revised my theory.
J'ai revu ma théorie.
Nevertheless, the one-hectare threshold could be revised upwards.
Cependant le seuil de un hectare pourrait être revu à la hausse.
I really haven't seen roger in years.
Je n'ai pas revu Roger depuis des années.
This appeal will be revised in the near future.
Cet appel doit être revu incessamment.
I've seen the picture before.
J'ai déjà vu ce film.
You should have seen the film.
Tu aurais dû voir le film.
I have seen that film long ago.
J'ai vu ce film il y a longtemps.
I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.
J'ai peut-être déjà vu ce film auparavant, mais j'ai du mal à m'en rappeler.
This is the best movie I've seen in a long time.
C'est le meilleur film que j'ai vu depuis longtemps.
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