Saturday - Samedi (The 1355th Most Common French Word)

In French, the word for Saturday is Samedi. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1355th most common word in French. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: saturday

fr French: samedi


en fr
Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. Aujourd'hui, on est samedi, et demain, on sera dimanche.
Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Hier c'était dimanche, pas samedi.
I can't go on Saturday. Je ne peux pas y aller samedi.
It is Saturday. C'est samedi.
Christmas fell on Saturday that year. Cette année-là, Noël tombait le samedi.
I've been here since Saturday. Je suis ici depuis samedi.
I forgot that today was Saturday. J’ai oublié que c’était samedi, aujourd’hui.
Next Saturday, I will go to Paris. Samedi prochain je vais à Paris.

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Saturday - Samedi (The 1355th Most Common French Word)
He doesn't go to the office on Saturday. Il ne va pas au bureau le samedi.
Saturday is the last day of the week. Le samedi est le dernier jour de la semaine.
The official start is on Saturday. Le départ officiel est samedi.
Today is Friday, yesterday was Thursday, tomorrow is Saturday and then comes Sunday. Aujourd'hui c'est vendredi, hier c'était jeudi, demain c'est samedi et puis vient dimanche.
This supermarket delivers only on Saturday. Ce supermarché ne livre que le samedi.
Amy worked in the yard last Saturday. Amy a travaillé dans la cour samedi dernier.
It's Saturday today. Aujourd'hui c'est samedi.
We play football every Saturday. Nous jouons au football chaque samedi.
As for myself, Saturday will be convenient. Samedi me conviendrait.
It was Saturday night. C'était samedi soir.
Sunday comes after Saturday. Dimanche vient après samedi.
He reached Kyoto on Saturday. Il est arrivé samedi à Kyoto.
He meets his girlfriend Saturdays. Il rencontre sa petite amie le samedi.

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Saturday - Samedi (The 1355th Most Common French Word)

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