Sacrifice - Sacrifice (The 2437th Most Common French Word)

The French translation for Sacrifice is Sacrifice. This word often comes up when talking about emotions. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2437th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: sacrifice

fr French: sacrifice


en fr
Those emblems were going to represent more perfectly His sacrifice on the cross. Ces symboles allaient représenter plus parfaitement Son sacrifice sur la croix.
We sacrificed a lot. We sacrifice a lot.
Sometimes sacrifices are necessary. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something.
Your sacrifice was not in vain. Ton sacrifice ne fut pas vain.
Son sacrifice ne sera pas vain. Son sacrifice ne restera pas vain.
Son sacrifice ne restera pas vain. Son sacrifice ne sera pas vain.
His sacrifice will not be in vain. Son sacrifice ne restera pas vain.
What is more inhumane than human sacrifice Quoi de plus inhumain qu’un sacrifice humain 

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Sacrifice - Sacrifice (The 2437th Most Common French Word)
A true sacrifice is a false sacrifice. Un vrai sacrifice est un faux sacrifice.
And we steered civilization inspired by your sacrifice. Et nous avons mené une société inspirée par ton sacrifice.
We extend our deepest gratitude and respect for their sacrifice. Nous exprimons notre plus profonde gratitude et notre respect pour le sacrifice qu'ils ont consenti.
A story about courage, love and sacrifice... Editions Flammarion Une histoire de courage, d'amour et de sacrifice...
You don't get to have a career like mine without sacrificing. On ne peut pas avoir une carrière comme la mienne sans sacrifice.
In killing the sacrifice, they couldn't break a bone. Quand ils mettaient à mort le sacrifice, ils n'avaient pas le droit de briser un os.
Acquire an ethical and personal commitment to targeting quality, excellence and personal sacrifice. Acquérir un engagement éthique et personnelle de cibler la qualité, l'excellence et le sacrifice personnel.
The duty of self-preservation conflicts with the individual duty of sacrifice. Le devoir d'autopréservation vient en contradiction avec le devoir personnel de sacrifice.
Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, virgin sacrifice and all. Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcóatl, sacrifice de vierges et tout ça.
And Abraham got the ram, untied his son, and tied the ram, and offered the ram as a sacrifice. Et Abraham prit le bélier, délia son fils, lia le bélier et offrit le bélier en sacrifice.
The ancient religions have indoctrinated their followers to suffering and sacrifice. Les vieilles religions ont endoctriné leurs fidèles à la souffrance et au sacrifice.
It symbolizes supreme sacrifice and heroic deeds. Il symbolise le sacrifice suprême et les actes héroïques.
No spirit could redeem the Host through sacrifice. Aucun esprit ne pouvait racheter l'Armée par un sacrifice.

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Sacrifice - Sacrifice (The 2437th Most Common French Word)

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