Rigorous, harsh, strict - Rigoureux (The 2682nd Most Common French Word)
The French word for Rigorous, harsh, strict is Rigoureux. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about nature & weather, materials & quality, emotions, people, measures. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2682nd most commonly used word in French. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
rigorous, harsh, strict
We are looking for a versatile employee who is rigorous and independent. | Nous recherchons un employé polyvalent, rigoureux et autonome. |
The tundra has a harsh climate. | La toundra a un climat rigoureux. |
The argument is rigorous and coherent but ultimately unconvincing. | L'argument est rigoureux et cohérent mais au bout du compte peu convaincant. |
The reason that I am speaking is purely to support and highlight, if possible, essential elements expressed by the rapporteur of this report, our colleague Charlotte Cederschiöld, whom I congratulate for her rigorous and excellent work. | Mon intervention n'a pour autre objet que celui de soutenir et d'insister, s'il le faut encore, sur des éléments essentiels exprimés par le rapporteur de ce rapport, notre collègue Charlotte Cederschiöld, que je félicite pour son magnifique et rigoureux travail. |
Furthermore, we has strict inspection and test system before shipping including dimensional inspection, strength test, tensile test, hardness test, hydrostatic test etc. | En outre, nous avons un système d'inspection et d'essai rigoureux avant l'envoi, y compris une inspection dimensionnelle, un essai de résistance, un essai de traction, un essai de dureté, un essai hydrostatique, etc. |
Therefore our companies conduct rigorous anti-corruption programmes. | C'est pourquoi nos entreprises mènent des programmes rigoureux de lutte contre ce fléau. |
The different cleaning levels are No cleaning, Normal cleaning or Strict cleaning. | Les différents niveaux de nettoyage sont Pas de nettoyage, Nettoyage standard ou Nettoyage rigoureux. |
She reaffirmed that rigorous expense control would continue. | Elle a réaffirmé qu'un contrôle rigoureux des dépenses serait maintenu. |
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Jurisprudence has confirmed the strict nature of Article 3.1. | La jurisprudence a confirmé le caractère rigoureux de l'article 3.1. |
This subject requires a very strict monitoring. | Il s'agit là d'un aspect qui exige un suivi très rigoureux. |
The term "explore" requires a rigorous and thoughtful examination. | Ce terme exige un examen rigoureux et réfléchi. |
The criteria of classification are not rigorous, indeed they are fantastical. | Les critères de classification sont peu rigoureux, voire fantaisistes. |
The verbal tests are very strict in order to receive the Initiation. | Les examens verbaux pour recevoir l'initiation sont très rigoureux. |
Such information must conform to strict quality criteria which will be introduced through these revised proposals. | Les propositions révisées introduisent des critères de qualité rigoureux auxquels ces informations devront se conformer. |
We believe in a rigorous and documented restoration process which is briefly outlined below. | Nous utilisons le processus de restauration rigoureux et documenté brièvement décrit ci-dessous. |
It would also lead to a more rigorous debate in the House. | Cela conduirait à un débat plus rigoureux. |
We have a rigorous system to prevent collateral damage. | Notre système rigoureux évite les dommages collatéraux. |
What will also remain is a string of rigorous Community budgets. | Une série de budgets communautaires rigoureux subsisteront également. |
CrisHome Tex was created as an example of rigorous and creative professionalism. | CrisHome Tex, un exemple de professionnalisme rigoureux et créatif. |
Their parallelism and their symmetry ensure rigorous centring of the oil. | Leur parallélisme assure un centrage rigoureux de l'huile. |
A rigorous and individualized training on a daily basis. | Un entrainement rigoureux et individualisé au quotidien. |
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