Revolving, swivel, encircling, bend, turning point - Tournant (The 2406th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Revolving, swivel, encircling, bend, turning point is Tournant. This word often comes up when talking about activities & movements, materials & quality. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2406th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as noun, adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
revolving, swivel, encircling, bend, turning point
The Battle for Quebec was the turning point in the war.
La bataille pour Québec fut le point tournant de la guerre.
I think this is a turning point.
Je pense que c'est un tournant.
I think that this is a turning point.
Je pense que c'est un tournant.
It was a revolutionary turning point in paperback publishing.
Ce fut un tournant révolutionnaire dans l'édition du livre de poche.
Courtois described the historiographical turning point as a "true revolution in documentation".
Courtois qualifie ce tournant historiographique de « véritable révolution documentaire ».
The Peloponnesian War was a radical turning point for the Greek world.
La guerre du Péloponnèse constitue un tournant radical dans le monde Grec.
The Middle East was approaching a turning point in its history.
Le Moyen-Orient atteint un tournant historique.
That, too, was a turning point.
Ce fut également un point tournant.
The fiftieth session of the General Assembly should prove a turning point.
La cinquantième session de l'Assemblée devrait marquer un tournant.
I didn't know it yet, but that night would mark a turning point in my life.
Cette nuit a été un tournant dans ma vie.
Just let every race be a different turning point in the championship.
Chaque course est un tournant du championnat.
This was maybe the turning point of the match.
Peut-être le tournant de la rencontre.
His subsequent return to China marked a turning point.
Son retour en Chine marque un tournant.
That sort of thing can be a turning point in a league.
Cela peut-être un tournant du championnat.
You are at a very dangerous turning point.
Vous êtes à un tournant dangereux.
However, the year 1906 marked a turning point.
L'année 1906 marque cependant un tournant.
Large projection errors typically occur around major turning points in economic activity.
Les erreurs de prévision importantes interviennent généralement lors de grands tournants de l'activité économique.
We will not bend to the will of a tyrant.
Nous ne nous soumettrons pas à un tyran.
Lead bends easily.
Le plomb se plie facilement.
I can't bend my right arm.
Je n'arrive pas à plier mon bras droit.
The doctor bent over the sick boy.
Le docteur se pencha au-dessus du garçon malade.
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