Regret, regretfully - Regret (The 2761st Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Regret, regretfully is Regret. This word often comes up when talking about communication. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2761st most common word in French. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
regret, regretfully
I regret to inform you that your application has been refused. | J'ai le regret de vous informer que votre candidature a été rejetée. |
Sami has no regrets. | Sami n'a aucun regret. |
I regret feeling sorry for you. | J'ai le regret de sentiment Désolé pour vous. |
Just do your best with no regret. | Faites de votre mieux sans regret. |
Sasia showed no regret before his conviction. | Sasia n'a montré aucun regret avant sa condamnation. |
Her biggest regret is not having studied English. | Son plus grand regret est de ne pas avoir étudié l'anglais. |
Today, I regret to say that we are nowhere close to a solution. | Aujourd'hui, j'ai le regret de dire que nous sommes loin d'avoir trouvé une solution. |
I've always carried a feeling of regret. | J'ai toujours ressenti du regret. |
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Firstly, I should like to express a little regret. | Premièrement, je souhaite exprimer un léger regret. |
Actually, I don't have any regrets about how I raised you, dear. | Je n'ai aucun regret concernant ton éducation. |
There was no wedding, but I'd no regrets. | Plus de mariage mais aucun regret. |
But I can't say I have any regrets. | Mais je n'éprouve aucun regret. |
We do not want to have any regrets. | Nous ne voulons avoir aucun regret. |
Psychology experts found her fully aware of her actions, and she expressed no regret. | Des expertises psychiatriques la déclarèrent entièrement responsable de ses actes et elle n'exprimait aucun regret. |
They want something that they can embrace to the fullest without any hint of regret. | Ils veulent quelque chose qu'ils peuvent embrasser pleinement sans aucune trace de regret. |
My life-long regret is that I have lived so long and so uselessly. | Mon regret persistant est d'avoir vécu si longtemps et si inutilement. |
Regret is a negative conscious and emotional reaction to personal past acts and behaviors. | Le regret est une réaction émotionnelle consciencieuse et négative concernant des actes et comportements personnels du passé. |
And we also pay much too much attention to regret. | Et nous donnons aussi trop d'importance au regret. |
There's a huge difference between regret and disappointment. | Il y a une différence fondamentale entre le regret et la déception. |
While McMahon claimed that there was mutual regret, Hart defended his actions and asserted that he stood by what he did. | Alors que McMahon affirmait qu'il y avait un regret mutuel, Hart défendait ses actions. |
The Committee regrets to note that global institutions are unintentionally creating confusion and uncertainty. | Le Comité est au regret de constater que des institutions internationales suscitent malgré elles la confusion et l'incertitude. |
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