Redo, make again - Refaire (The 2252nd Most Common French Word)

The translation for Redo, make again in French is Refaire. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2252nd most common word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: redo, make again

fr French: refaire


en fr
My dad is finally letting me redo my room a little bit. Mon père me laisse enfin refaire ma chambre.
I'm going to redo it. Je vais te le refaire.
He must pay to have his registration plate re-made. Il doit payer pour faire refaire sa plaque d'immatriculation.
While in Hôi An have the favourite pieces of your wardrobe remade by tailors, but be careful about negotiation and finishes. Profitez de votre séjour à Hôi An pour refaire les plus belles pièces de votre garde-robe, à l'identique, chez un des tailleurs, en faisant attention à la négociation et... aux finitions.
I didn't have any difficulty in redoing my studies to get a diploma. Je n'ai pas eu de difficultés à refaire des études pour avoir un diplôme.
Includes a function to undo or redo movements. Inclusion d'une fonction pour défaire ou refaire les mouvements.
Promise me, that you will redo my permanent. Promettez-moi que vous vais refaire ma permanente.
Your mother's publisher is redoing the dust jacket. L'éditeur veut refaire la couverture.

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Redo, make again - Refaire (The 2252nd Most Common French Word)
Thank you so much for letting me redo your office. Merci infiniment de me laisser refaire ton bureau.
This is the recipe that my mother asks me to redo and redo every time we see each other. C'est LÀ recette que ma mère me demande de refaire et refaire chaque fois qu'on se voit.
I must admit that it makes me want to redo some more lolita events. Je dois avouer que ça me donne envie de refaire un peu plus d'events lolita.
An appropriated den is often widened and partly remade. Un repaire approprié est souvent élargi et en partie refait.
She actively made gardens there and developed dairying. Elle a activement refait des jardins et développé la production laitière.
Mother made a new piece of clothing. Ma mère a fait quelques vêtements nouveaux.
We made that. On a réussi
Your letter made me happy. Ta lettre m'a rendue heureuse.
I made a deal. J'ai conclu un accord.
I made him change his plan. Je l'ai amené à changer son plan.
I am making my own bed. Je fais mon propre lit.
He thinks only of making money. Elle ne pense toujours qu'à faire de l'argent.
She thinks of nothing but making money. Il ne pense qu'à gagner de l'argent.

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Redo, make again - Refaire (The 2252nd Most Common French Word)

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