Question, interrogate - Interroger (The 1093rd Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Question, interrogate is Interroger. This word often comes up when talking about education, communication. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1093rd most commonly used word in French. It can be used as verb. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
I would therefore urge that the question be put to the Commission.
Je vous invite donc à interroger cette dernière.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have an opportunity just to question the member and make a comment.
Monsieur le Président, je suis contente de pouvoir simplement interroger le député et faire une observation.
Turner was pretty busy questioning brian.
Turner était occupée à interroger Brian.
Alternative approaches might include separate questioning of the prospective spouses.
Une autre méthode pourrait consister, par exemple, à interroger séparément les futurs époux.
The fantastic tale can reshape existing meanings to question their scope.
Le conte fantastique permet de remodeler des significations existantes pour en interroger leur portée.
What we need to do is question that guard... Reggie Walsh.
On doit interroger ce garde, Reggie Walsh.
Well, could be, but we should still ask Lawrence Bellomo a few questions.
Peut-être, mais on doit toujours interroger Lawrence Bellomo.
They wish to question us, learn our strength, our plans.
Ils veulent nous interroger, découvrir nos plans.
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We will constantly need to question the Commission on the enforcement of European rules.
Nous devrons constamment interroger la Commission sur l'application de règles européennes.
Colonel Brodsky will be questioning you about your papers.
Le colonel Brodsky va vous interroger...
Interrogating the protected person in the court without disclosing his or her identification data.
Interroger la personne sous protection au tribunal sans divulguer son identité.
You were supposed to be interrogating that prisoner.
Vous étiez censé interroger ce prisonnier.
We're heading into town right now to interrogate the murderer.
Nous allons en ville interroger le meurtrier.
Well, they shouldn't be questioning lucy.
Il ne devraient pas interroger Lucy.
Tom questioned Mary.
Tom a interrogé Marie.
Ziri was questioned.
Ziri a été interrogé.
In 1793 he was interrogated by the Austrian police as suspect of liberal and pro-French revolutionist.
En 1793, il a été interrogé par la police Autrichienne comme suspect de libéralisme et de soutien à la Révolution française.
He questioned the need for a statement on this matter to be circulated to Members as requested by Ecuador.
L'intervenant s'est interrogé sur la nécessité de distribuer une déclaration sur cette question à tous les Membres, comme l'avait demandé l'Équateur.
Accordingly, it was wrong to leave the jury with the impression that defence counsel's failure to question Bonello rendered it impossible for him to offer an explanation.
En conséquence, il ne fallait pas laisser le jury sous l'impression que, parce que l'avocat de la défense n'avait pas interrogé M. Bonello, il était impossible à ce dernier de fournir une explication.
Joyce Pensato creates art which questions, which jostles and which pushes you towards delayed references.
Joyce Pensato produit un art qui interroge, qui bouscule et qui pousse aux références décalées.
Gustave was questioned in prison on 7 November.
Le 7 novembre, Gustave est interrogé à son tour en prison.
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