Prince - Prince (The 2610th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Prince in French is Prince. This word often comes up when talking about society. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2610th most common word in French. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
The prince was lost in the woods. | Le prince était perdu dans les bois. |
He is my Prince Charming. | C'est mon prince charmant. |
I wish I were a prince. | J'aimerais être un prince. |
The prince was changed into a tree by magic. | Le prince fut changé en arbre par magie. |
The prince became a king that day. | Le prince devint un roi ce jour-là. |
The prince was changed into a frog. | Le prince a été transformé en grenouille. |
The prince succeeded to the throne. | Le prince accéda au trône. |
I met the prince himself. | J'ai rencontré le prince en personne. |
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The fairy changed the prince into a cat. | La fée a changé le prince en chat. |
That sword is fit for a prince. | Cette épée convient à un Prince. |
Prince Charles will be the next British king. | Le prince Charles sera le prochain roi britannique. |
A prince came on a white horse. | Un prince vint sur un cheval blanc. |
The prince slew the dragon. | Le prince tua le dragon. |
A prince arrived, riding a white horse. | Un prince est arrivé, chevauchant un cheval blanc. |
Slay the prince and come back to us | Tuez le prince et revenez nous voir |
The prince is almost a hundred years old. | Le prince a presque cent ans. |
She has finally found her prince charming. | Elle a enfin trouvé son prince charmant. |
She fell in love with a certain prince. | Elle est tombée amoureuse d'un certain prince. |
The capture of the prince by the king led to another war. | La capture du prince par le roi a conduit à une autre guerre. |
Prince William is second in line to the English throne. | Le prince Guillaume est le second en ligne de succession au trône d'Angleterre. |
This prince and princess are totally bored with their current wardrobe. | Ce prince et cette princesse se sont complètement lassés de leur garde-robe actuelle. |
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