Portrait, photograph - Portrait (The 2666th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Portrait, photograph in French is Portrait. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2666th most common word in French. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about culture & arts, lifestyle & free time. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
portrait, photograph
This is a portrait of my late father. | C’est un portrait de mon défunt père. |
There is a portrait of Bob on the wall. | Il y a un portrait de Bob au mur. |
A portrait of an old man was hanging on the wall. | Le portrait d’un vieil homme était accroché au mur. |
I'd like to hire you to paint a portrait of me. | J'aimerais vous engager pour peindre mon portrait. |
Lucy is painting a portrait of Mischa. | Lucy fait le portrait de Mischa. |
This painting is the portrait of a very famous woman. Do you know it | Cette peinture est le portrait d'une femme très célèbre. Le savez-vous |
Story of a Mensch is the portrait of a man, both player and witness, who, to keep a promise that he made to his mother, has dedicated his life to fighting for humanity in the world. | Sois un Mensch, mon fils ! est le portrait d'un homme, acteur et témoin, qui, pour tenir la promesse faite à sa mère, a dédié sa vie aux combats de l'humain. |
From 1954 he becomes interested in nude photography. | A partir de 1954 son centre d'intérêt devient le portrait et la photographie de nu. |
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Zillhardt asked Breslau to make her portrait. | Madeleine Zillhardt demande à Louise Breslau de faire son portrait. |
Portrait of a beautiful adult happy woman with thu | Portrait de belle femme avec l'appareil-photo. |
Portrait of Adeline Ravoux (va... | Portrait d'Adeline Ravoux (van Gogh) |
Historically, portrait paintings have primarily memorialized the rich and powerful. | Historiquement, les peintures de portrait célèbrent principalement les riches et les puissants. |
Portrait of Leonardo by his pupil and assistant Francesco Melzi. | Portrait de Léonard de Vinci par son élève et assistant Francesco Melzi (Royal Librarian). |
He began the portrait a decade earlier. | Il a commencé le portrait une décennie plus tôt. |
Photo 10/17: diego rivera, Intérieurs, Meubles, portrait de cuca... | | Photo 10/17: diego rivera, Interiors, Furniture, portrait of cuca... | |
Ethnological portrait The pair started their work in India. | Un portrait ethnologique En Inde, les deux photographes se sont mis à l'oeuvre. |
Historical greek gold coins with portrait of goddess Athena. | Pièces d'or historiques grecques avec portrait de la déesse Athéna. |
This poll paints a portrait of Quebec seniors. | Ce sondage dresse un portrait de la population aînée québécoise. |
Portrait of Amazement Siberian Husky Dog opened mouth surprised... | 73795771 - Portrait de Amazing Siberian Husky Dog a ouvert la bouche surprise... |
She focused on portrait and landscape painting. | Elle s'est concentrée sur la peinture de portrait et de paysage. |
These texts complement Saint spiritual portrait and his rich spiritual teachings, outlined in the first chapters. | Ces textes complètent de première main le portrait spirituel de saint Amphiloque et ses riches enseignements spirituels dont les chapitres précédents donnaient déjà un large aperçu. |
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