Plead - Plaider (The 2576th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Plead is Plaider. This word often comes up when talking about law, cooperation. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2576th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
My client wants to plead guilty. | Mon client souhaite plaider coupable. |
Beloved, this couple tried to plead with the judges of the submarine kingdom. | Bien-aimés, ce couple a essayé de plaider auprès des juges du royaume sous-marin. |
In 1652, Butler and their children returned to England to plead with Cromwell for income from the land she owned. | En 1652, Butler et leurs enfants retournèrent en Angleterre pour plaider auprès de Cromwell pour le revenu de la terre qu'elle possède. |
Now we know why she wants to plead guilty. | On sait pourquoi elle veut plaider coupable. |
Return the Declaration of Independence and plead our case to the American people in court. | Rendre la Déclaration et plaider notre affaire devant le peuple. |
Let me plead my case to the American people. | Laissez-moi plaider ma cause auprès des Américains. |
A lawyer told me the easiest thing to do was plead it out, so... | On m'a conseillé de plaider l'ignorance. |
I think I'd like to plead the Fifth Amendment. | J'aimerais plaider le cinquième amendement. |
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The best way to get out is to plead. | La meilleure solution est de plaider. |
You won't be able to plead unconsciousness again. | Vous ne pourrez plus plaider l'inconscience. |
Dunlap wants to plead, but his clients won't discuss it. | Dunlap veut plaider, mais ses clients refusent. |
Send a messenger to her to plead for deliverance. | Envoyez-lui un messager pour plaider votre salut. |
For the next three to four years, he remains there while hoping for a trial and a chance to plead his case. | Pendant les trois ou quatre années suivantes, il espère et attend une occasion de plaider sa cause. |
Some end up pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit. | Certains finissent par plaider coupable de crimes qu'ils n'ont pas commis. |
Polybius and Siveno plead for Lisinga's release. | Polybe et Siveno vont plaider la libération de Lisinga. |
In the United States, State law determines whether, and under what circumstances, a defendant may plead no contest in state criminal cases. | Aux États-Unis, la loi de l'État détermine si et dans quelles circonstances un défendeur peut plaider non-contestation. |
I plead ignorance. | Je plaide l'ignorance. |
I pleaded not guilty. | J'ai plaidé non coupable. |
Tom pleaded guilty in October. | Tom a plaidé coupable en octobre. |
Dan pleaded guilty to second degree murder. | Dan a plaidé coupable d'homicide involontaire. |
To smile at and plead with traitors because it'll be spring in two months. | J'ai souri et plaidé notre cause auprès de traîtres, car dans deux mois, ce sera le printemps. |
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