Oil, oil tanker - Pétrolier (The 2567th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Oil, oil tanker in French is Pétrolier. This word often comes up when talking about food, transport & travel. It is the 2567th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
Bahrain is an oil state in the Middle East with around 650,000 inhabitants.
Bahreïn est un État pétrolier du Moyen-Orient comptant environ 650000 habitants.
A new oil tanker was launched.
On a lancé un nouveau pétrolier.
The remaining non-tariff barrier is in the oil sector.
Les derniers obstacles non tarifaires sont appliqués dans le secteur pétrolier.
The oil consortium would cover the remaining costs.
Le consortium pétrolier prendrait à sa charge le solde des coûts.
The first oil crisis showed just how fragile the system was.
Le premier choc pétrolier révèle la fragilité du système.
Venezuela proposes establishing the petrodollar as an exchange currency among oil-producing countries.
Le Venezuela propose la création du pétro comme monnaie d'échange entre les pays pétrolier.
An oil shock could lead to adjustment problems for Ecuador's economy.
Un choc pétrolier pourrait entraîner des ajustements économiques douloureux.
It varies according to the off-shore oil traffic.
Il varie en fonction du trafic pétrolier off-shore.
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Calgary quickly found itself at the centre of the ensuing oil boom.
Calgary se retrouve très vite au centre du boom pétrolier subséquent.
MOL is an integrated oil and gas group.
MOL est un groupe pétrolier et gazier intégré.
Rosenberg Verft AS (as it is known today) has about 500 employees and is a major contractor within the Norwegian oil and gas market.
Rosenberg Verft AS a environ 500 salariés et est un entrepreneur majeur dans le marché pétrolier et gazier norvégien.
A gradual liberalisation of stocks of petroleum products will help to re-establish smoother operation of the oil market.
Une libération graduelle des stocks de produits pétroliers contribuera à rétablir un fonctionnement plus fluide du marché pétrolier.
McClanahan grew up in West Texas during the great oil boom.
McClanahan a grandi dans l'Ouest du Texas au cours du grand boom pétrolier.
Barrancabermeja's culture has been largely affected by the migratory movements caused by the oil boom.
La culture de Barrancabermeja a été largement influencée par les mouvements migratoires provoqués par le boom pétrolier.
The oil embargo threatened to grind the Japanese military machine to a halt.
L'embargo pétrolier menaçait de briser la machine militaire japonaise.
Even these meagre flows were destined for the oil and mineral sectors.
Et encore, ces maigres flux étaient destinés aux secteurs pétrolier et minier.
Mauritania has had an oil field in operation since 2006.
La Mauritanie possède un gisement pétrolier en exploitation depuis 2006.
The 1973 oil crisis shocked an economy that had become dependent on imported petroleum.
Le premier choc pétrolier mondial en 1973 choque une économie devenue quasi dépendante du pétrole importé.
The State holds an equity stake in each oil project.
L'État détient une part dans chaque projet pétrolier.
Western Sahara has crude oil deposits.
Le Sahara occidental a des gisements pétroliers.
However, the 1973 oil crisis made military government increasingly borrow from international lenders, and the debt became unmanageable.
Cependant, la crise pétrolière de 1973 a amené le gouvernement militaire à emprunter de plus en plus aux prêteurs internationaux et la dette est devenue ingérable.
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