Murder - Meurtre (The 1458th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Murder in French is Meurtre. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about law. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1458th most commonly used word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
Murder is against the law. | Le meurtre est contre la loi. |
You are guilty of murder. | Vous êtes coupable de meurtre. |
He was guilty of murder. | Il était coupable de meurtre. |
He is guilty of murder. | Il est coupable de meurtre. |
Nobody seemed to have a motive for the murder. | Personne ne semblait avoir de mobile pour le meurtre. |
Murder is a crime against humanity. | Le meurtre est un crime contre l'humanité. |
He was accused of murder. | Il fut accusé de meurtre. |
The man committed murder. | L'homme a commis un meurtre. |
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The murder remains a mystery. | Ce meurtre demeure un mystère. |
Murder is a wicked crime. | Le meurtre est un crime odieux. |
Murder is punished by death. | Le meurtre est passible de la peine capitale. |
He was hanged for murder. | Il a été pendu pour meurtre. |
He witnessed the murder. | Il a été témoin du meurtre. |
Ambition drove him to murder. | Son ambition l'a conduit jusqu'au meurtre. |
Every religion prohibits murder. | Chaque religion interdit le meurtre. |
Tom was suspected of murder. | Tom a été soupçonné de meurtre. |
He was framed on a murder charge. | Il s'est fait incriminer de meurtre. |
There were two cases of murder per month. | Il y avait deux affaires de meurtre par mois. |
I'm investigating a murder. | J'enquête sur un meurtre. |
My client has been charged with murder. | Mon client est accusé de meurtre. |
Abortion is murder. | L'avortement est un meurtre. |
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