Municipal - Municipal (The 2204th Most Common French Word)
The French word for Municipal is Municipal. This word often comes up when talking about society. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2204th most common word in French. It can be used as adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
Make a quick stop at the municipal park. | Faites un arrêt au parc municipal. |
The LVT is a municipal tax. | El IBI es un impuesto municipal. |
Nineteen other councillors attend the municipal council. | Enfin, les dix-neuf conseillers assistent au conseil municipal. |
Municipal Waste and Cynic were announced as headliners. | Les groupes Municipal Waste et Cynic sont annoncés en tête d'affiche. |
Several municipalities also discussed the anniversary at council meetings. | Plusieurs municipalités ont également discuté de l'anniversaire du Code lors de réunions de leur conseil municipal. |
The municipality's municipal area covers 1,985 hectares. | Le territoire municipal de la commune s'étend sur 1985 hectares. |
Coordination of activities under the municipal DIF programme for at-risk adolescent minors. | Coordination d'activités dans le cadre du Programme d'assistance aux adolescents mineurs en danger du DIF municipal. |
Full Text Keywords virutal library guayaquil unesco municipal guayas communication technology Geography Keywords guayaquil ecuador guayas | Texte intégral Mots-clés virutal library guayaquil unesco municipal guayas communication technology Mots-clés - géographie guayaquil ecuador guayas |
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No, they were published in the municipal gazette. | Non, elles étaient publiées dans le journal municipal. |
The old meadows that stayed wild were then converted into a municipal campsite. | Les anciennes prairies restées sauvages sont alors aménagées en camping municipal. |
Front d'action politique (FRAP) was a municipal political party in Montreal, formed as a federation of workers' and citizens' committees in 1969. | Le Front d'action politique (FRAP) était un parti politique municipal de Montréal. |
At local level, municipalities may draw up a municipal environmental policy plan. | Au plan local, les municipalités sont tenues d'élaborer un plan municipal de politique environnementale. |
In the 2010 local elections, the party elected one municipal councillor at the Ampelokipoi-Menemeni municipality. | Le parti fit élire un conseiller municipal dans la commune de Ampelokipoi-Menemeni aux élections locales de 2010. |
He is buried in the municipal cemetery of Boyer. | Il repose au cimetière municipal de Boyer. |
Amendments to a number of articles of the Municipal Code. | Réforme des différents articles du Code municipal. |
We have a situation where we have taxation without representation going on right now with municipal governments. | La taxation sans représentation se voit déjà au palier municipal. |
The institutional structure was poorly defined, especially at the municipal level. | La structure institutionnelle est floue, surtout au niveau municipal. |
Dr. Avigdor Koybeshevsky, you are a municipal disaster. | Dr Avigdor Koybishevsky, le sinistre municipal. |
Pictures of the municipal court, Federal Building, City Hall... | Images du Tribunal municipal, bâtiment Fédéral, Mairie... |
Municipal campsite situated on the edge of the village. | Camping municipal situé aux abords du village. |
The debate comes back every time there's a municipal election. | Le débat resurgit à chaque scrutin municipal. |
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