Motherly, maternal - Maternel (The 2792nd Most Common French Word)
The French word for Motherly, maternal is Maternel. It can be used as adjective. It is the 2792nd most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
motherly, maternal
And it was the healing, motherly touch of an untouchable woman. | C'était le contact apaisant, maternel d'une femme intouchable. |
This is his maternal grandfather. | C’est son grand-père maternel. |
Elijah is Klaus' maternal older half-brother. | Elijah est le demi-frère maternel et aîné de Klaus. |
Take my breast breast which never have filled with some maternal milk. | Prends mes seins des seins qui n'ont jamais été gonflés du lait maternel. |
Maternal blood is also collected via venipuncture for infectious disease testing. | Le sang maternel est également collecté par perforation de veine pour des tests sur les maladies infectieuses. |
Her maternal grandfather was film producer Max Rosenberg. | Son grand-père maternel était le producteur de films Max Rosenberg. |
Her maternal uncle is the impressionist Kevin Connelly.,. | Son oncle maternel est le peintre impressionniste Kevin Connelly. |
He also inherited Heaton Park through his maternal grandfather. | Il a également hérité de Heaton Park de son grand-père maternel. |
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But the lower structural form is certainly feminine and, if anything, motherly. | Le bas est manifestement féminin et même maternel. |
His maternal uncle Étienne Gabriel Vives was a veterinarian in the military profession. | Son oncle maternel Étienne Gabriel Vives était vétérinaire militaire de carrière. |
His maternal grandfather was Edward E. T. Fortescue. | Son grand-père maternel est Edward Fortescue. |
Well, you'd still get to express all your maternal instincts. | Ça te permettra d'exprimer ton instinct maternel. |
Depression is one of the few things that can overwhelm the maternal instinct. | Seule la dépression peut surpasser l'instinct maternel. |
Since I got pregnant, I have maternal instincts. | Être enceinte a réveillé mon instinct maternel. |
For me, Lucas awakens my maternal instincts. | Lucas fait ressortir mon instinct maternel. |
L'Instinct maternal, winner of the 'Prix Cognac', 2002. | L'Instinct maternel, Prix Cognac 2002. |
Everyone who dies returns to a new maternal womb totally unconscious, asleep. | Quiconque meurt revient au ventre maternel totalement inconscient, endormi. |
In addition, he is the maternal cousin of Monsignor Duncan McLain. | Il est également le cousin maternel de Monseigneur Duncan McLain. |
These vines come from the maternal, Coulon/Jouffron side of the family. | Ces vignes proviennent du coté maternel des Coulon/Jouffron. |
He was the maternal grandfather of the emperors Heizei and Saga. | Il est le grand-père maternel des empereurs Heizei et Saga. |
His maternal grandfather was banker Anthony J. Drexel Jr. | Son grand-père maternel est le banquier Anthony J. Drexel Jr. |
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