Magazine - Magazine (The 2033rd Most Common French Word)

The French translation for Magazine is Magazine. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2033rd most commonly used word in French. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about media & it. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: magazine

fr French: magazine


en fr
I found the new magazine very interesting. J'ai trouvé le nouveau magazine très intéressant.
It's crazy to read that magazine. C'est fou de lire ce magazine.
I bought him a magazine. Je lui ai acheté un magazine.
I cannot read this magazine. It's for women. Je ne peux pas lire ce magazine. C'est pour les femmes.
There are some magazines in my room. Il y a un magazine dans ma chambre.
It's this month's magazine. C'est le magazine de ce mois-ci.
There are some magazines in my room. J'ai un magazine dans ma chambre.
The magazine does nothing for me. Ce magazine n'est pas du tout intéressant.

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Magazine - Magazine (The 2033rd Most Common French Word)
Any magazine will do. N'importe quel magazine fera l'affaire.
Do you have Time magazine As-tu le magazine Time 
The magazine revealed all his dirty secrets. Le magazine révéla tous ses sombres secrets.
The magazine is aimed at teenagers. Le magazine s'adresse aux adolescents.
I am reading a magazine. Je lis un magazine.
He looked through a magazine. Il parcourut un magazine.
He subscribed to Time magazine. Il s'est abonné à Time magazine.
She glanced through the magazine. Elle parcourut le magazine.
That magazine is aimed at teenagers. Ce magazine est à destination des adolescents.
She paged through the magazine. Elle a feuilleté le magazine.
Hand me that magazine. Passez-moi ce magazine.
Have you seen my magazine As-tu vu mon magazine
I bought a magazine. J'ai acheté un magazine.

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Magazine - Magazine (The 2033rd Most Common French Word)

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