Incident - Incident (The 1885th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Incident in French is Incident. It can be used as noun, adjective. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 1885th most commonly used word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
Let's talk about the prior incident with your former girlfriend.
Revenons à votre premier incident avec votre ex-petite amie.
It's a trifling incident.
C'est un incident mineur.
I'll remember this incident forever.
Je me souviendrai toujours de cet incident.
I'll never forget this incident.
Je n'oublierai jamais cet incident.
Sami knows about this incident.
Sami est au courant à propos de cet incident.
He was more curious about an incident last October.
Il était plutôt intéressé par un incident, en octobre dernier.
However, there was one incident last week about which we cannot keep quiet any longer.
La semaine dernière pourtant, il s'est produit un incident à propos duquel nous ne pouvons plus garder le silence.
Chris Coleman has been quoted as saying that it takes more than horseplay to break one's jaw in two places, but Knight insists there was "nothing sinister" about the incident.
Le manager de Fulham, Chris Coleman, trouva étrange qu'on puisse se faire une double fracture juste en chahutant, mais Zat insista sur le fait qu'il n'y avait rien de sinistre à propos de cet incident.
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This is the primary source for this incident [usa].
C'est la source primaire pour cet incident [usa].
comprises incident side and exit side lenses
lequel enregistreur d'hologramme comprend des lentilles côté incident et côté sortie
This serious incident sparked several investigations.
Plusieurs enquêtes ont eu lieu dans la foulée de ce grave incident.
The bank notes that this incident occurred outside the bank's highly secure perimeters.
La banque relève que cet incident s'est produit hors des périmètres hautement sécurisés de la banque.
No serious counterfeiting incidents have been reported another huge success.
Aucun incident sérieux lié au faux monnayage n'a été signalé, ce qui est également remarquable.
Nitrogen at system startup reflux, manual operation and incidental support.
Azote au reflux du système de démarrage, fonctionnement manuel et support incident.
Lowe considered the incident an argument against free flight.
Lowe considère cet incident comme un argument contre le vol libre.
RCMP is responsible for investigating any criminal or potentially criminal cyber-incidents.
La Gendarmerie est chargée d'enquêter sur tout incident cybernétique à caractère criminel ou potentiellement criminel.
Our long-term goal - zero incidents, zero injuries.
Notre objectif à long terme, c'est zéro incident, zéro blessure.
POLICYOur culture is based on zero defects and zero incidents.
PolitiqueNotre culture est celle du zéro défaut et zéro incident.
No serious border incidents involving Yugoslav forces and Albanian border police took place during the reporting period, although the situation remained tense.
Aucun incident frontalier grave n'a eu lieu au cours de la période considérée entre les forces yougoslaves et la police des frontières albanaise, mais la situation est restée tendue.
The crew declared an emergency and landed without incident.
L'équipage a déclaré une urgence et a atterri sans incident.
For the first mile no incident occurred.
Pendant le premier mille, aucun incident ne se produisit.
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