Humanity - Humanité (The 1525th Most Common French Word)
The French word for Humanity is Humanité. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about people, society, emotions. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1525th most commonly used word in French. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
His growing sense of humanity was creating inner conflict over his work.
Son humanité croissante créait un conflit interne.
Through history we discover our common influences, common links, common heritage and therefore our common humanity.
A travers l'histoire, nous découvrons nos influences communes, nos liens communs, notre patrimoine commun et donc notre humanité commune.
International law underscores our continuing humanity, even on the battlefield.
Le droit international souligne notre humanité permanente, même sur le champ de bataille.
First, isirika affirms common humanity.
D'abord, l'isirika témoigne de notre humanité partagée.
This so-called humanity... is just priests' drivel.
Cette prétendue humanité est un radotage religieux.
We all wear the stigma of our humanity on our faces.
Nous portons les stigmates de notre humanité.
Turn off your humanity, pledge your loyalty to me.
Éteins ton humanité, promets-moi allégeance.
Sounds to me like you're starting to embrace your humanity.
Vous commencez à accepter votre humanité.
European people's mutual commitment is truly the assumption of their common humanity.
L'engagement mutuel des peuples européens représente réellement leur humanité commune.
Matt is the closet connection That you have to your humanity.
Ton humanité est étroitement liée à Matt.
War is a crime against humanity.
La guerre est un crime contre l'humanité.
I feel a great love for all of humanity.
Je ressens un grand amour pour toute l'humanité.
Murder is a crime against humanity.
Le meurtre est un crime contre l'humanité.
We've lost faith in humanity.
Nous avons perdu foi en l'humanité.
What he did was against humanity.
Ce qu'il a fait était contre l'humanité.
It seems that the rich part of humanity doesn't care much for the problems of the poor part.
Il semble que la partie riche de l'humanité ne se soucie pas beaucoup des problèmes de la partie pauvre.
Cancer is a great enemy of humanity.
Le cancer est un grand ennemi de l'humanité.
Nuclear weapons are a threat to all humanity.
Les armes nucléaires sont une menace pour toute l'humanité.
Literature teaches us about humanity.
La littérature nous enseigne sur l'humanité.
History is a branch of the humanities.
L'Histoire est une branche des humanités.
Great artists are those who impose on humanity their particular illusion.
Les grands artistes sont ceux qui imposent à l'humanité leur illusion particulière.
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