Housekeeping, housework - Ménage (The 2326th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Housekeeping, housework is Ménage. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about house. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2326th most common word in French. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
housekeeping, housework
She does the housework with him. | Elle fait le ménage avec lui. |
She was doing the housekeeping. | Elle était occupée au ménage. |
We agreed to share the housework. | Nous avons convenu de partager le ménage. |
He doesn't give any help with housework. | Il n'aide pas au ménage. |
Today, I do not have housework to do. | Aujourd'hui je n'ai pas de ménage à faire. |
A maid can do the housework. | Un domestique peut faire le ménage. |
I'll have to hire someone to do the housework. | Il faudrait que je prenne quelqu'un pour faire le ménage. |
Since them, I have been able to do the housework again, work in the garden, and go for long hikes. | Depuis, je peux de nouveau m'occuper du ménage, travailler au jardin et participer aux randonnées. |
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As his mother died in that year, he had to do the housework, including cooking, and to help his father in his work as a turner. | Sa mère meurt cette année-là, et il doit s'occuper du ménage et de la cuisine, et aider son père dans son travail de tourneur. |
Today women in general are more likely to do the housework than men, the cooking and cleaning. | Les femmes ont plus de chances de faire les tâches ménagères que les hommes, la cuisine et le ménage. |
you forgot to do the housework. | que tu as oublié de faire le ménage. |
We will spend our time to do the housework. | On va passer notre temps à faire le ménage. |
Abel would help his mommy do the housework on weekends. | Abel aiderait sa maman faire le ménage le week-end. |
If you do the housework, do it well. | Si vous faites le ménage, faites-le bien. |
In the morning you do the housework. | Le matin vous faites le ménage. |
So I never ask him to do the housework. | Donc je ne lui demande jamais de faire le ménage. |
I would love, but we must do the housework and complete records. | J'adorerais, mais on doit faire le ménage et remplir des dossiers. |
Tim's wife is now four months pregnant and he gets up at 5am to do the housework before going to work. | La femme de Tim est aujourd'hui enceinte de quatre mois et il se lève à 5h du matin pour faire le ménage avant de partir au travail. |
always someone around to do the housework, right | avoir toujours quelqu'un pour faire le ménage, pas vrai |
Perhaps you'd like me to sit in the cage and him do the housework. | Plutôt m'asseoir dans sa cage et le laisser faire le ménage. |
I have to do the housework and get the supper for the lodgers. | Je dois faire le ménage et préparer le dîner des pensionnaires. |
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