Give up, renounce - Renoncer (The 1363rd Most Common French Word)
The French word for Give up, renounce is Renoncer. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1363rd most common word in French. It can be used as verb. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
give up, renounce
I can't give up on my dreams. | Je ne peux pas renoncer à mes rêves. |
He urged all the parties concerned to exercise restraint and to renounce violence in favour of political dialogue. | Il invite toutes les parties concernées à faire preuve de retenue et à renoncer à la violence en faveur du dialogue politique. |
Protected workers have no reason to give up their benefits. | Les travailleurs protégés n'ont aucune raison de renoncer à leurs avantages. |
Future moms should give up salt and pepper products. | Les futures mamans devraient renoncer aux produits à base de sel et de poivre. |
The Governor advised to give up mayoral elections in Volgograd. | Le gouverneur conseillé de renoncer à l'élection des maires de Volgograd. |
We cannot give up these advantages. | Nous ne pouvons pas renoncer à ces avantages. |
E-cigarettes have helped people give up tobacco. | Les E-cigarettes ont aidé les gens à renoncer au tabac. |
A religious must never give up prophecy. | Un religieux ne doit jamais renoncer à l'attitude prophétique. |
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Laws also specified that citizens could not freely renounce their citizenship. | Les lois précisaient aussi que les citoyens ne pouvaient librement renoncer à leur citoyenneté. |
Will Damascus be inclined to give up the iraqi market | Damas sera-t-il disposé à renoncer au marché irakien |
You just have to know when to give up. | Parfois, il faut savoir renoncer. |
Knowing how to give up is probably the most difficult exercise. | Savoir renoncer est surement l'exercice le plus difficile. |
To accept this conclusion was to renounce the former reckoning of the prophetic periods. | Adopter cette conclusion signifiait renoncer au précédent calcul des périodes prophétiques. |
Finally, one must know how to renounce lies. | Il faut savoir enfin renoncer aux mensonges. |
Maybe you can talk him into giving up. | Peut être pourriez-vous le faire renoncer. |
The Empress responded to this shock by determining to renounce the throne. | L'impératrice réagit à ce choc en décidant de renoncer au trône. |
Confronted by Montague, Forsdyke admits that he wants to give up crime and marry Babette. | Confronté à Montague, Forsdyke admet qu'il veut renoncer au crime et épouser Babette. |
This is why Germany is isolated in its decision to renounce nuclear energy. | C'est pourquoi l'Allemagne demeure isolée dans sa décision de renoncer au nucléaire. |
The Syrians know well what they will have to give up in order to gain the Golan Heights. | Les Syriens savent très bien à quoi ils vont devoir renoncer pour obtenir le Golan. |
The family responsibilities made him renounce the risky profession of playwright and devote himself entirely to that of publisher. | Les responsabilités familiales le font renoncer au métier risqué de dramaturge et se consacrer entièrement à celui d'éditeur. |
Lack of money forced her to give up. | Le manque d'argent l'oblige à renoncer. |
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