Future - Futur (The 484th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Future is Futur. This word often comes up when talking about time & frequency. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 484th most common word in French. It can be used as adjective. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
Pleasure is always in the past or in the future, never in the present.
Le plaisir est toujours dans le passé ou dans le futur, mais jamais dans le présent.
Nobody knows the future.
Personne ne connaît le futur.
The future doesn't exist: it is what we make.
Le futur n'existe pas : c'est ce que nous faisons.
It is possible for us to know what has been achieved in the past, but it is not possible for us to change it. And it is possible for us to change the future, but it is not possible for us to know what will be achieved in it.
Le passé peut être seulement connu, pas changé. Le futur peut être seulement changé, pas connu.
No one can tell what will happen in the future.
Personne ne peut dire ce qui se passera dans le futur.
My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there.
Mon intérêt se porte sur le futur parce que je vais passer le reste de ma vie là-bas.
I want to be a pilot in the future.
Je voudrais être pilote dans le futur.
My concern is the future.
Ma préoccupation, c'est le futur.
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How long is the future
Quelle durée le futur a-t-il
I'm from the future.
Je viens du futur.
The future was better before.
Le futur aussi était mieux avant.
I come from the future.
Je viens du futur.
No one knows the future.
Personne ne connaît le futur.
Think of your future.
Pense à ton futur.
Will the future be like science fiction
Le futur sera-t-il semblable à la science-fiction
The future is here.
Le futur est là.
We have no future.
Nous n'avons pas de futur.
The future is uncertain.
Le futur est incertain.
The digital world is the future of Kabyle.
Le monde numérique, c'est le futur du Kabyle.
You should prepare for the future.
Tu devrais t'apprêter pour le futur.
It is necessary that we provide for the future.
Il est nécessaire que nous pourvoyions pour le futur.
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