Future - Avenir (The 471st Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Future is Avenir. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 471st most common word in French. This word often comes up when talking about time & frequency. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
A brilliant future lay before him. | Un brillant avenir s'offre à lui. |
Now that you are no longer young, you must think of your future. | Maintenant que vous n'êtes plus jeune, vous devez penser à votre avenir. |
You should think about your future. | Il est naturel que tu te questionnes par rapport à ton avenir. |
Think about your future. | Pense à ton avenir. |
Your wish will come true in the near future. | Ton souhait se réalisera dans un proche avenir. |
We may meet again in the near future. | Nous pourrions nous revoir dans un proche avenir. |
You have a bright future. | Tu as un brillant avenir. |
I thought over my future. | J'ai bien réfléchi à mon avenir. |
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We worry about your future. | Nous nous faisons du souci pour votre avenir. |
He has a bright future. | Il a un avenir brillant. |
She has a brilliant future. | Elle est promise à un brillant avenir. |
You have a future. | Vous avez un avenir. |
Your future begins today. | Ton avenir commence aujourd'hui. |
I worry about my future. | Je m'inquiète pour mon avenir. |
Children are our future. | Les enfants sont notre avenir. |
Tom has a brilliant future. | Tom a un brillant avenir. |
No future can compensate for what you let happen in the present. | Aucun avenir ne peut pallier ce que vous laissez se dérouler dans le présent. |
Anglophone Quebecers care about their future. | Les Québécois anglophones ont leur avenir à cœur. |
So they've gone to the village to decide about our future. | Donc il nous emmène au village pour décider de notre avenir. |
Soldiers are without doubt in the best position to decide about their future. | Les soldats sont sans aucun doute les mieux placés pour décider de leur avenir. |
In the near future, PNV students might be involve in EduSi application project as Testers or Education volunteers. | Dans un avenir proche, nos étudiants pourraient être impliqués dans le projet d'application EduSi en tant que testeurs ou volontaires de l'éducation. |
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