Friend, comrade, pal, mate - Camarade (The 2825th Most Common French Word)

The translation for Friend, comrade, pal, mate in French is Camarade. It is the 2825th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about family & relationships. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: friend, comrade, pal, mate

fr French: camarade


en fr
A sailor saw his friend drown from exhaustion. Un marin a vu son camarade se noyer d'épuisement.
He runs as fast as any other classmate. Il court aussi vite que n'importe quel autre camarade de classe.
My roommate is crazy. Mon camarade est cinglé.
He became acquainted with Masaoka Shiki via a classmate, Kawahigashi Hekigoto. Il fait la connaissance de Masaoka Shiki par un camarade de classe, Hekigotō Kawahigashi.
My American roommate was shocked by me. Ma camarade de chambre américaine était choquée par moi.
Comrade Bashkov seems to have had a bad fall, 30 metres that is. Le camarade Bashkov a fait une chute de 30 mètres.
Seaman Bucket was my bunk mate. Le marin Bucket était mon camarade de chambrée.
They formed a lasting friendship there with fellow chef Paul Bocuse. Ils s'y lient d'une amitié solide, qui devait s'avérer très durable, avec leur camarade de fourneau Paul Bocuse.

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Friend, comrade, pal, mate - Camarade (The 2825th Most Common French Word)
Who clocked a classmate with an algebra textbook. Qui a frappé un camarade avec un livre d'algèbre.
Your dad was my roommate at yale. Ton père était mon camarade de chambre à Yale.
This is Comrade Nina Yoschenko, Envoy Extraordinary of the Soviet Union. La camarade Nina Yoschenko, envoyée extraordinaire de l'U.R.S.S.
But now I say it's time to rescue our courageous comrade. Il est temps de secourir notre courageux camarade.
Hamba Kahle Great Statesman, Comrade Nelson Mandela. Hamba Kahle, camarade Nelson Mandela.
Thank you very much for everything, comrade. Merci beaucoup pour tout, camarade.
Your classmate and I have turned this into a provocative scene. Votre camarade et moi avons rendu cette scène provocatrice.
The other boys and girls will be happy to have a new classmate. Les enfants seront contents d'avoir un nouveau camarade.
You've been listening to rumormongers, Comrade. Tu écoutes les ragots, camarade.
We want to thank you, Comrade Gorbunov. Nous te remercions, camarade Gorbunov.
Thank you, Comrade Tillmann, for your interesting remarks. Merci au camarade Tillmann pour ses intéressantes déclarations.
I hope you will accept our apologies, comrade. Veuillez accepter nos excuses, camarade.
I will speak to the men about it, Comrade. Je parlerai aux hommes, camarade.

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Friend, comrade, pal, mate - Camarade (The 2825th Most Common French Word)

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