Feeling - Sentiment (The 886th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Feeling in French is Sentiment. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, emotions. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 886th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common French words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
I've got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night. | J'ai le sentiment que ce soir va être une bonne nuit. |
I always have a tired feeling. | J'ai toujours un sentiment de fatigue. |
I had the exact same feeling. | J'ai eu exactement le même sentiment. |
I've got the feeling I already met her somewhere. | J'ai le sentiment de l'avoir déjà rencontrée quelque part. |
I have a feeling he is right. | J'ai le sentiment qu'il a raison. |
I had a feeling that something dreadful was happening. | J'avais le sentiment qu'il se passait quelque chose de terrible. |
I have a feeling today is going to be interesting. | J'ai le sentiment qu'aujourd'hui va être intéressant. |
More precisely about the emptiness from one night stands, a feeling which doesn't deter from keep on doing it yet, like an addiction. | Et plus précisément ce sentiment de vide après l'acte, un sentiment qui ne dissuade néanmoins pas de recommencer inlassablement, telle une addiction. |
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I regret feeling sorry for you. | J'ai le regret de sentiment Désolé pour vous. |
This sense of disconnection leaves people feeling insecure which in turn contributes to fear of crime and anxiety about incivility in public spaces. | Cette sensation de séparation les laisse avec un sentiment d'insécurité qui en soi, contribue aux peurs du crime et à l'anxiété à propos d'incivilités dans les espaces publics. |
With this victory we have to have a feeling of responsibility. | Devant cette victoire, nous devons avoir un sentiment de responsabilité. |
We should have a feeling of love and charity towards all. | Nous devrions avoir un sentiment d'amour et de charité envers tous. |
40 weeks: a woman may have a feeling that her stomach is down. | 40 semaines: une femme peut avoir le sentiment que son estomac est en panne. |
We have a feeling this one's to the death. | Nous avons le sentiment qu'elle sera mortelle. |
We have a feeling of hope. | Nous avons un sentiment d'espoir. |
Most people have a feeling of guilt promoted by the Evangelist church. | La majorité des personnes ont un sentiment de culpabilité qui est promu par l'église évangéliste. |
You have a feeling of well-being. | Vous avez un sentiment de bien-être. |
RandySay This class is very lively, and people have a feeling of being immersed. | RandyDites Cette classe est très vivante et les gens ont le sentiment d'être immergés. |
People have a feeling that they have a connection with the institution. | Les gens ont le sentiment d'avoir un contact avec notre institution. |
They have a feeling of airiness and coolness. | Ils ont un sentiment de légèreté et de fraîcheur. |
Some patients at this time have a feeling of nausea. | Certains patients en ce moment ont un sentiment de nausée. |
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