Exact, correct - Exact (The 1133rd Most Common French Word)
The translation for Exact, correct in French is Exact. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1133rd most common word in French. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about numbers & quantity, education. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
exact, correct
Exact change, please. | Le montant exact, s'il vous plaît. |
It isn't totally exact. | Ce n'est pas tout à fait exact. |
Correct. | C'est exact. |
Is this word correct in this context | Ce mot est-il exact, dans ce contexte |
This is correct. | C'est exact. |
Apparently, that's not correct. | Apparemment, ce n'est pas exact. |
Is this correct | Est-ce exact |
Exactly. | C’est exact. |
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The exact number of Holocaust survivors is unknown. | Le nombre exact de survivants de l'Holocauste est inconnu. |
However, their exact content and drafting differ across agreements. | Toutefois, leur contenu exact et leur libellé diffèrent d'un accord à l'autre. |
The details of its exact role are under discussion. | Les détails à propos de son rôle exact sont en cours de discussion. |
Further investigations are required to verify the exact numbers. | Des enquêtes plus poussées devront être menées pour vérifier le nombre exact de victimes. |
Revenues were counted, and were correct. | Les recettes ont été comptées, et leur montant était exact. |
He therefore wished to know the exact future content of the Programme. | Il souhaitait donc connaître le futur contenu exact du programme. |
Well, establishing an exact age scientifically is problematic. | Établir un âge exact scientifiquement est problématique. |
Based on the latest run of budget cuts, I do, that's correct. | Suite aux restrictions budgétaires, c'est exact. |
Bartowski, your flash on Wheelwright was 100% correct. | Bartowski, votre flash sur Wheelwright était exact. |
Well, 4 and a half minutes, to be exact. | Quatre minutes et demie pour être exact. |
We'll send you the exact course in a moment. | On vous envoie le trajet exact. |
This document must be correct and maintain a high degree of precision. | Ce document doit être exact et très précis. |
Ashby was going to call us with the exact time of the transfer. | Ashby allait nous appeler au moment exact du transfert. |
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