Erase, clean - Effacer (The 2425th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Erase, clean is Effacer. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2425th most common word in French. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about house, law. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
erase, clean
Look, I just need to erase Jack from the narrative. | Je dois juste effacer Jack du récit. |
That model cannot erase cultural differences. | Ce modèle ne peut pas effacer les différences culturelles. |
Tandis que until you can erase the past. | Reposant jusqu'à ce que tu puisses effacer le passé. |
We must erase the entire species from time, every life-form... every molecule. | Nous devons effacer l'espèce toute entière. |
Erase trace Erases the trace left by Reeborg. | Effacer la trace Efface la trace laissée par Reeborg. |
Sebastian will erase all data that he collected immediately. | Sebastian va effacer les données collectées immédiatement. |
Well, I'll erase my memory, too. | Je vais aussi effacer ma mémoire. |
I'll erase from my heart all thoughts of that wicked woman... | Je saurai effacer cette traîtresse de mon cœur... |
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Not only this, I must erase your memory. | Je dois également effacer ta mémoire. |
I'd like to erase my first husband. | J'aimerais effacer mon premier mari. |
Sadly, erasing every trace of myself is my expertise. | Malheureusement, effacer mes traces est mon domaine. |
This is how to completely erase a hard drive. | Voici comment effacer complètement un disque dur. |
She seemed to want to erase her past. | Elle semble vouloir effacer son passé. |
Choose a pencil that can be easily erased. | Choisissez un crayon facile à effacer. |
Erase your phone data to protect your personal information. | Efface les données de votre téléphone afin de protéger vos renseignements personnels. |
The Full-erase rewritable disc method physically erases all data from the disc. | Le mode Effacement complet du disque réinscriptible efface physiquement toutes les données du disque. |
Some people say that if you erase the rom within 24 hours, it's legal to use them. | Certaines personnes prétendent que si on efface le jeu dans les 24 heures qui suivent c'est légal (Je ne sais pas...). |
This sudden contrast took generations to erase. | Ce contraste soudain a pris des générations à être effacé. |
Write and erase naturally with a working eraser on the end. | Écrivez et effacez naturellement avec la gomme d'extrémité. |
The cookie deactivation process erases the cookie's data file, but not the cookie as such. | Le processus de désactivation du témoin efface le fichier de données du témoin, mais pas le témoin en tant que tel. |
I've clean forgotten. | J'avais totalement oublié. |
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