Enemy - Ennemi (The 1715th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Enemy is Ennemi. It is the 1715th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about family & relationships, society. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
Je peux être votre meilleur ami ou votre pire ennemi.
Nobody is their own enemy.
Personne n'est son propre ennemi.
He is not our enemy.
Ce n'est pas notre ennemi.
He was face to face with his enemy at last.
Il faisait enfin face à son ennemi.
Forgive your enemy, but remember the name of that bastard.
Pardonne à ton ennemi mais rappelle-toi le nom de ce bâtard.
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I don't have any enemies.
J'ai aucun ennemi.
You're my enemy.
Tu es mon ennemi.
There is no honor in taking an enemy with poison.
Il n'y a aucun honneur à prendre un ennemi avec du poison.
Cancer is a great enemy of humanity.
Le cancer est un grand ennemi de l'humanité.
He defeated his enemy.
Il a vaincu son ennemi.
Tom is my enemy.
Tom est mon ennemi.
Are you our enemy
Es-tu notre ennemi
Are you my enemy
Es-tu mon ennemi
Know your enemy.
Il faut connaître son ennemi.
He has no enemies.
Il n'a aucun ennemi.
Enemy spotted.
Ennemi repéré.
He stood face to face with his enemy.
Il a fait face à son ennemi.
"Treasure hunts" punctuate the game, allowing you to achieve a goal or shoot down an optional enemy to win a reward.
Des « chasses au trésor » ponctuent le jeu, vous permettant de réaliser un objectif ou d'abattre un ennemi facultatif afin de remporter une récompense.
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