Distinct - Distinct (The 2698th Most Common French Word)

The French translation for Distinct is Distinct. This word often comes up when talking about body & health. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2698th most common word in French. It can be used as adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: distinct

fr French: distinct


en fr
She had the distinct feeling that something was up. She had the distinct feeling that something was brewing.
She had the distinct feeling that something was brewing. She had the distinct feeling that something was up.
An undoubtedly contemporary yet sober proposal for distinct yet refined looks. Une proposition sans doute contemporaine mais sobre pour un look distinct mais raffiné.
Each tool attachment forms a distinct tool for the system. Chaque attachement d'outil constitue un outil distinct pour le système.
Each shipment of rough diamonds requires a distinct Canadian Kimberley Process Certificate. Chaque chargement de diamants bruts nécessite un certificat canadien du Processus de Kimberley distinct.
Ability to process each stem through a distinct signal chain. Aptitude à traiter chaque stem à travers une chaîne de signal distinct.
Man is distinct only because of his intellect. L'homme est distinct seulement en raison de son intellect.
These films represent a distinct type favored by Cornell. Ces films représentent un genre distinct favorisé par Cornell.

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Distinct - Distinct (The 2698th Most Common French Word)
All have distinct ways of functioning and offer their own independent activities. Toutes ont un fonctionnement distinct et offrent leurs propres activités.
Separately, a distinct general segment would be held. Un débat général distinct se tiendrait séparément.
Each person's use of language is surprisingly distinct. Chaque intervenant utilise un langage étonnamment distinct.
A distinct test is performed with each of the fluids. Chaque liquide est utilisé pour un essai distinct.
The first color space is distinct from the second color space. Le premier espace couleur est distinct du second espace couleur.
Chromatographic analyses on Sephadex columns displayed a distinct peak of radioactivity. Les analyses chromatographiques sur des colonnes de Séphadex montrent un pic distinct de radioactivité.
From sea to shining sea First Nations comprise many diverse cultures; Canada has more than 600 distinct groups. D'un océan à l'autre, les Premières Nations sont constituées d'un grand nombre de cultures diversifiées; le Canada compte plus de 600 groupes distincts.
These were distinct instruments intended to deal with different problems. Il s'agissait d'instruments distincts destinés à régler des problèmes différents.
The signature may reflect a composite of distinct signals. Cette signature peut représenter un élément composite constitué de signaux distincts.
CIS created nine distinct digital characters. CIS a ainsi créé neuf personnages numériques distincts.
The plurality of distinct unique identifiers can be selectively revealed. La pluralité d'identifiants uniques dissimulés distincts peut être révélée de façon sélective.
Obviously there are two distinct personalities wrestling for control. Évidemment, il y a deux personnalités distincts qui lutte pour le contrôle.
Provincial/territorial support law is governed by distinctive statutory regimes. Le droit provincial et territorial en matière de pensions alimentaires pour époux est régi par des régimes législatifs distincts.

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Distinct - Distinct (The 2698th Most Common French Word)

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