Distant, faraway - Lointain (The 2933rd Most Common French Word)
The translation for Distant, faraway in French is Lointain. This word often comes up when talking about location & place, family & relationships. It can be used as adjective. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2933rd most common word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
distant, faraway
So we're now poised to look back at the distant universe, the cosmic dawn. | Nous sommes maintenant prêts à regarder l'Univers lointain, l'aube cosmique. |
A name indicating something far away or in distant memory. | Un nom référençant quelque chose de distant ou un souvenir lointain. |
Demographic decline is therefore not an abstract and distant event. | Le déclin démographique n'est donc pas un phénomène abstrait et lointain. |
My mustang days were about to become a distant memory. | Ma vie de mustang serait bientôt un lointain souvenir. |
Substantive equality was a distant dream. | L'égalité réelle n'était encore qu'un rêve lointain. |
Each sip swallowed reminds me of a distant memory. | Chaque gorgée avalée me rappelle un souvenir lointain. |
And I saw this... other man, a distant cousin of the deceased. | C'était un cousin lointain du défunt. |
Welcome, Supervisor, from the distant land. | Bienvenue, Superviseur du pays lointain. |
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The wife of a cold, distant workaholic. | D'un époux lointain, affairé. |
Rock 'n' roll had been and still was so distant. | Le rock'n'roll était bien lointain. |
A poetical book built around the actual but distant character of Melek. | Construction poétique autour du personnage réel mais lointain de Melek. |
Zoran Nikic is a distant relative; nothing close. | Zoran Nikic est un parent lointain. |
All of them remind me of my distant grandfather. | Tous me rappellent mon grand-père lointain. |
The democratic life of the member states remains in a rather distant background. | Les vies démocratiques nationales demeurent dans un arrière-plan plutôt lointain. |
The risk of conflict seems a very distant menace. | Le risque de conflit parait lointain. |
They range from a coldly distant academicism to a more advanced tenebrism close to the Baroque. | Ils vont d'un académisme froidement lointain à un ténébrisme plus avancé proche du baroque. |
Hasnat Khan is a distant cousin of Imran Khan's. | Hasnat Khan est un lointain cousin d'Imran Khan. |
Our universe may also resemble de Sitter space in the distant future. | Il pourrait également ressembler à un espace de Sitter dans un futur lointain. |
He writes that science was a distant, unexplained subject at school. | Il écrit qu'à l'école, la science était un sujet lointain et inexpliqué. |
Her speech also referenced her distant ancestor, the chocolate producer and Quaker George Cadbury. | Son discours a également fait référence à son lointain ancêtre, le producteur de chocolat et Quaker George Cadbury. |
He wrote in his diary: How distant and alien indeed this beautiful world appears. | Il écrivait dans son journal: Comme ce monde magnifique apparaît vraiment lointain et étranger. |
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