Display, exhibit, expose - Exposer (The 918th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Display, exhibit, expose in French is Exposer. This word often comes up when talking about lifestyle & free time, culture & arts, media & it, communication. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 918th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
English: display, exhibit, expose
French: exposer
He hopes to exhibit his paintings in Japan. | Il espère exposer ses peintures au Japon. |
Round pink ring display stand with a cilp for exhibiting diamond ring gem ring and wedding ring made in China with good quality. | Le stand rond rose d'affichage d'anneau avec un CILP pour exposer l'anneau de diamant de bijou de bague et l'anneau de mariage fait en Chine avec la bonne qualité. |
He wanted the funds to exhibit some new finds in roman portraiture. | Il voulait les fonds pour exposer de nouveaux portraits romains. |
He continued to exhibit in Monaco and Germany. | Il a continué à exposer à Monaco et en Allemagne. |
Remove blue protective caps to expose the vial stoppers. | Retirez les capuchons de protection bleus pour exposer les bouchons des flacons. |
Pilar Jericho was brilliant at exposing innovation, as a phenomenon of conjunction between technology and personal attitude. | Pilar Jericho était brillante à exposer l'innovation, comme un phénomène de conjonction entre la technologie et l'attitude du personnel. |
Promote gender justice and expose gender specificities. | Promouvoir la justice de genre et exposer les spécificités liées au genre. |
This scene is going to expose the killer. | Cette scène va exposer le tueur. |
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How dare you expose my children to your tender feelings. | Comment osez-vous exposer mes enfants à votre tendresse. |
This is a real advantage when you want to exhibit your photos. | Un avantage lorsqu'on souhaite exposer ses photos. |
If you would like to exhibit your products next year, get in touch. | Si vous souhaitez exposer l'année prochaine, contactez-nous. |
There are many producers coming to the show and display their products. | De nombreux producteurs viennent exposer leurs produits. |
Just do it really fast, and then the wound is exposed. | Fais-le vite pour exposer la plaie. |
They won't want you and your family unnecessarily exposed. | Ils ne voudront pas exposer inutilement votre famille. |
After having been selected you can exhibit during three consecutive years. | Le candidat peut exposer trois années consécutives. |
Exhibitor Services Information to exhibit, advertise,... | Défilés Conférences pour exposer, communiquer,... |
We had the opportunity to share our worries and expose our recommendations. | Nous avons pu partager nos inquiétudes et exposer nos recommandations. |
04-19-2018 We will be exhibiting at Making Pharmaceuticals event in Coventry. | 04-19-2018 Nous allons exposer à Making Pharmaceuticals à Coventry. |
Keep the following considerations in mind before displaying textiles: Do not display soiled textiles or those in poor condition because they will degrade quickly. | Avant d'exposer un textile, on voudra songer aux considérations suivantes. Il ne faut pas exposer les textiles souillés ou en mauvais état parce qu'ils se dégradent rapidement. |
There is no way we are exposing our exclusive clientele to a bunch of... | Non, eh, nous n'allons sûrement pas exposer notre clientèle à une bande de... |
He was exposed to danger. | Il a été exposé au danger. |