Disagreement, discord, conflict - Désaccord (The 2843rd Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Disagreement, discord, conflict is Désaccord. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2843rd most commonly used word in French. This word often comes up when talking about negotiations, family & relationships, society. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
disagreement, discord, conflict
Any disagreement between them is settled by a 'Pre-trial Chamber'. | Tout désaccord entre eux est réglé par une Chambre préliminaire. |
We had a minor disagreement. | Nous avons eu un léger désaccord. |
The disagreement between the union and management could lead to a strike. | Le désaccord entre le syndicat et la direction pourrait mener à la grève. |
Ms. Christine Cram: With regard to Jordan's Principle, the First Nations are very enthusiastic because they want to be able to have access to a problem-solving process in the event of disagreement between governments and people who provide services. | Mme Christine Cram: Au sujet du principe de Jordan, les Premières nations sont très enthousiastes, parce qu'elles veulent pouvoir avoir recours à un processus pour résoudre les problèmes en cas de désaccord entre les gouvernements et les gens qui donnent des services. |
There is little disagreement that neutrophils come from CFU-GM. | Il y a peu de désaccord sur le fait que les neutrophiles proviennent de CFU-GM. |
No such disagreement or associated exigency exists in this proceeding. | Aucun désaccord ni aucune prescription connexe de ce type n'existe dans la présente procédure. |
CANADA supported discussing areas of disagreement. | Le Canada a appuyé l'idée d'examiner les points de désaccord. |
You can express your disagreement with an idea without attacking anyone. | Vous pouvez exprimer votre désaccord avec une idée sans attaquer quiconque. |
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An arbitral tribunal must decide the disagreement in accordance with the law. | Un tribunal arbitral doit trancher le désaccord conformément au droit. |
Frankly, this is more of a disagreement than a reservation. | Une réserve qui est franchement un désaccord. |
The Commission shall take the appropriate measures in order to resolve the disagreement. | Celle-ci prend les mesures appropriées pour régler le désaccord. |
One would be hard put to find a more fundamental disagreement. | On pourrait difficilement trouver un désaccord plus fondamental. |
We would just have to live with this disagreement. | Nous devrions simplement vivre avec ce désaccord. |
Please let us know any possible disagreement before the start of the activity. | Informez nous avant l'activité de votre désaccord. |
In spite of their disagreement, Augusta joins Lionel there. | Malgré son désaccord, Augusta y rejoint Lionel. |
The points of disagreement shall be referred without delay to the coordination group. | Les éléments du désaccord sont immédiatement communiqués au groupe de coordination. |
In spite of the disagreement with Sophia, C.C. | Malgré le désaccord de Sophia, C.C. |
It also helped to clarify areas of agreement and disagreement. | Il pouvait également aider à préciser les points d'accord et de désaccord. |
Lansbury resigned as leader in 1935 after public disagreements over foreign policy. | Lansbury démissionne de la direction en 1935 après un désaccord sur la politique étrangère. |
Any disagreements between the Parties on the imposition of quantitative restrictions shall be resolved through consultations. | Tout désaccord entre les Parties concernant l'imposition de restrictions quantitatives est réglé par voie de consultations. |
The absoluteness of disagreement is lost. | Le caractère absolu du désaccord est perdu. |
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