Deepen, make deeper, go further into - Approfondir (The 2975th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Deepen, make deeper, go further into in French is Approfondir. It can be used as verb. It is the 2975th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. This word often comes up when talking about measures. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
That would enable it to deepen and expand its activities.
Elle pourrait ainsi approfondir et étendre ses activités.
I confront with all the interested subjects to deepen the legislative and administrative proposals
Comparaison avec tous les sujets intéressés à approfondir les propositions législatives et administratives
You may want to deepen your spiritual connection or achieve a goal.
Vous pourriez vouloir approfondir votre connexion spirituelle ou atteindre un objectif.
Deepening our Personal practice, b) Exploring our Teacher practice.
Approfondir notre pratique personnelle, b) Explorer notre pratique de l'enseignant.
UN-Women and the Office of the High Commissioner intend to deepen their cooperation in the future.
Ils comptent approfondir leur coopération à l'avenir.
Excellent site to discover and deepen the study of polo.
Excellent site pour découvrir ou approfondir le polo.
I had to deepen my technology, social, and education skills.
Je devais approfondir mes connaissances technologiques, sociales et éducatives.
The point now is to pursue and deepen these reforms.
Il faut poursuivre et approfondir ces réformes.
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Use this effect to deepen high voices or vice versa.
Utilisez-le pour approfondir les voix hautes ou vice-versa.
His delegation was fully committed to deepening the ties of commercial relationship and technical cooperation.
La délégation du Chili était fermement résolue à approfondir les relations commerciales et la coopération technique.
Successive Chilean administrations have remained steadfast in their commitment to deepen integration with the global economy through trade agreements.
Les gouvernements chiliens successifs sont restés constants dans leur engagement à approfondir l'intégration dans l'économie mondiale au moyen d'accords commerciaux.
Is it to be deepening before widening or widening before deepening
Doit-on approfondir avant d'élargir ou élargir avant d'approfondir
Goals: 1) Increasing your knowledge about Francophone cultures and going beyond stereotypes.
Approfondir vos connaissances sur les cultures francophones et dépasser les stéréotypes.
We deepened our friendship.
Nous avons approfondi notre amitié.
They did not deepen the holes.
Elles n'ont pas approfondi les trous.
You made the holes deeper.
Vous avez approfondi les trous.
You deepened the holes.
Tu approfondissais les trous.
Also we have warned timely own from the risks of a conflict with the national law, and asked that one deepened I confront with the government.
Même nous avons mis en garde opportunément vraiment des risques d'un conflit avec la loi nationale, et avons demandé qu'on approfondissait la comparaison avec le gouvernement.
Refine and deepen your understanding of all processes involved in project management.
Affinez et approfondissez votre compréhension de tous les processus impliqués dans la gestion de projet.
MELALEUCA CAJUPUTI is a summer fragrance that stimulates and deepens breathing.
MELALEUCA CAJUPUTI est un parfum d'été qui stimule et approfondit la respiration.
Levels B1 and B2 mean a deepening of your language knowledge.
Les niveaux B1 et B2 approfondissent votre connaissance linguistique.
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