Contrary - Contrairement (The 1766th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Contrary in French is Contrairement. It can be used as adverb. It is the 1766th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
He failed to get elected contrary to our expectation. | Il n'a pas réussi à se faire élire, contrairement à notre attente. |
Contrary to popular belief, Reformers are going to get old. | Contrairement à ce que l'on pense, les réformistes vont vieillir. |
Contrary to popular belief, multigrain bread is not necessarily better than white bread. | Contrairement à la croyance populaire, le pain multigrain n'est pas nécessairement meilleur que le pain blanc. |
Contrary to widespread belief evidence is never value-free. | Contrairement à la croyance largement répandue, les données probantes ne sont jamais exemptes de valeurs. |
Russian people can act irrationally, contrary to the laws of gravity and darwin's theory, but most of them are moving forward. | Les gens russes peuvent agir de façon irrationnelle, contrairement aux lois de la gravité et de la théorie de darwin, mais la plupart d'entre eux se déplace vers l'avant. |
Sentence carried out contrary to just instructions of this court. | Sentence exécutée contrairement aux instructions de la cour. |
Glucose, on the contrary, is absorbed very quickly. | Le glucose est contrairement absorbé très rapidement. |
CC has responded to claims to the contrary. | CC a répondu contrairement aux affirmations. |
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But, contrary to the foot soldiers, the knighthood was hereditary. | Mais, contrairement aux fantassins, la chevalerie était héréditaire. |
However Acanthozoon possess only a single male copulative organ contrary to Thysanozoon. | Cependant le genre Acanthozoon ne possède qu'un seul organe copulatif mâle contrairement aux membres du genre Thysanozoon. |
Many protesters arrested in the past remained in jail contrary to the communiqué's promises. | De nombreux manifestants arrêtés dans le passé sont restés en prison, contrairement aux promesses du communiqué. |
However, contrary to expectations, the changes to the Korean food code had not been made. | Toutefois, contrairement aux attentes, les modifications du code alimentaire coréen n'avaient pas été effectuées. |
The dry ice blasting is not abrasive contrary to the sanding. | Le nettoyage cryogénique est non abrasif contrairement au sablage. |
Haifa deserves 2+ Full days of sightseeing contrary to my guidebook's suggestions. | Haïfa mérite 2+ jours plein de visites, contrairement aux suggestions de mon guide. |
Wicked thoughts contrary to the commandments of the Lord come out of our heart. | Les mauvaises pensées, contrairement aux commandements de Dieu, viennent du cœur. |
(Contrary to popular belief, the hunger sensations disappear quickly). | Contrairement à la croyance populaire, la faim disparaît rapidement. |
You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. | Tu es jeune. Moi, par contre, je suis très vieux. |
I have no proof to the contrary. | Je n'ai aucune preuve du contraire. |
On the contrary | Au contraire |
It is contrary to reason. | C'est contraire à la raison. |
No, unfortunately; on the contrary. | Malheureusement non ; au contraire. |
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